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A debutante ball. I love Mom to death, but I would never be a debutante. Unless, maybe, if Belly decided she would. I'm already afraid of the jealousy I was beginning to feel towards my best friend, and the thought that maybe the ball might be one of the ways for us to stay close this summer was enough for me to be okay with it.

Jeremiah was laughing next to me and I kicked him from underneath the table. "It's up to Belly," I say.

Belly ignores Steven's teasing and looks at my mom. Of course, my mom wants her to say yes. She smiles lovingling at Belly, the way I'm used to her smiling at me. "Yeah, uh, I'll do it," Belly says.

"Can you even imagine it?" Steven laughs. "Belly being a...whatever-it-is in the whatever-it's-called ball."

"Debutante," Jeremiah says slowly, like he's teaching a toddler how to pronounce a hard word. "And Belly? Yeah, I can see her doing it. But Kristin–"

"Jere," Conrad stops him from saying more, saving me from burning up from more embarrassment. I look gratefully towards him, but he's already looking back down at his plate.

"It can't be so bad," I tell them. "Besides, it'll be our time away from you guys."

Belly still looks unsure about it, but I can tell she's a little more comfortable now that I'm alright with it.

The rest of dinner goes by slowly, filled with teasing and laughter and details of our last school year. It doesn't surprise me when Conrad is the first person to get up from the table.

"I'm gonna go get ready," he says.

"Dude, you're coming?" Jeremiah sounds impressed, and I'm curious about where they're going. Mom asks before I get the chance to.

"It's just a party, Mom. We know the guys, don't worry. And we won't be out too late," Jere tells her. Mom looks to Conrad for confirmation before she agrees to let them go.

"Yeah Mom, we'll be fine," Conrad tells her.

"Just," Laurel says quickly before any of the boys leave the room. "Make sure you drive carefully. Drunk drivers are no joke."

"We'll be fine, Mom," Steven groans. "Didn't you hear the boss?" He nods towards Conrad.

Laurel folds her napkin. "Yes, Steven. Go get ready. Shoo."

"Yes! Let's go!" Steven jumps up and hurries Jeremiah and Conrad up the stairs.

Belly mutters something about them not being fair, then gets up and runs after them, leaving me alone at the table with Mom and Laurel.

"Kristin, what movie do you want to watch tonight, honey?" Mom asks me. Usually she lets Belly pick the first girls night movie of our trip, but she wasn't here. I wonder if my mom is wondering if Belly's coming back.

"Back to the Future?" I ask, knowing Mom loves oldies. I can't stand the old oldies though. No black and white for me if I can decide.

"Sure," Mom says before clearing the table. "And would you mind giving me and Laurel a hand?"

"I got it, Beck," Laurel says, but my mom shushes her.

"Let Kristin help. I like our girl time, all of us together."

I don't mind helping anyways, and grab everyone's plates. Most of them are all empty except for some brussel sprouts left on Jere's. I pop them into my mouth, wondering what could be so bad about them that he can't stand them. I love brussel sprouts.

The table is cleared and wiped down, the dishwasher is going, and Laurel is loading the last of the leftovers into the fridge when I help my mom get the living room ready for the movie. I sit next to her on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket because of the freezing AC, and text Belly that we're ready.

She comes downstairs in a summer dress and braided hair. "I think I'll pass on the movie tonight," she tells me and my mom.

"What?" My mom sounds disappointed. Not in Belly specifically, but at the fact that our girls night will be missing one of the girls.

"I'm sorry, Susannah," she leans over my mom and gives her a hug around the neck from behind. "But I told Taylor I'd call her tonight. Tell her how our trip went."

"Of course Bells," Mom waves her off, smiling the same smile as always.

"I knew you'd understand," Belly says. "Thanks!" She takes the steps two at a time to get back upstairs.

The boys leave after we start the movie. It's only about a half an hour later when I hear the stairs squeak. I twist around and see Belly shuffling softly across the kitchen towards the back sliding door. She's probably going out to the pool. It was practically part of Belly's nightly routine to swim before bed.

I'm about to call out, asking if she's joining our movie, when I notice she's not in a swimsuit. She's still in a dress, with a purse now draped over her shoulder as well.

Knowing my brothers, as well as her's, she was probably told she couldn't join them at the party. I know without a doubt that she's going anyway.
I twist back toward the TV screen and pull my blanket tighter. Mom wraps an arm around my shoulder and squeezes. "Cold?"

All I can make myself do is shrug. It felt pathetic, but with everything with Conrad, I was hoping summer would be my escape. That not only he would go back to normal, but that I could confide in Belly. But instead, on the first night of summer, she ditched me for the boys.

I sniff once and Mom feels my forehead.

"Mom, I'm fine," I tell her sharply, swiping her hand away. Then I realize I sounded like Conrad and immediately apologize. "I'm sorry, Mom, really."

I expect to feel her tense up in frustration, but then realize that I don't think my mom is capable of being angry at anyone. Except for my dad, and when she's mad at him, he deserves it.

I feel Laurel's eyes on us, and my eyes dart in her direction. They're filled with a knowing concern, and I feel like Mom probably told her all about Conrad and his issues.

"Shh," Mom whispers, lips touching my hair next to my ear. "It's girls night, with or without Belly. At least we have Marty McFly to replace her company." I know that if I could see her, she would've winked after that last sentence. I let myself lean into my mom and relax.

Everything Changes-The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now