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I'm sprawled out on the couch when I wake up. The sun is shining through the windows and Mom is gone. I sit up and realize I'm still in my jean shorts and tank top from yesterday. Good, I won't have to get dressed this morning at least.

I head upstairs to the bathroom I share with the rest of the kids and brush my teeth and finger through my hair. If I used a comb, my curls would get frizzy...which was already sort of happening due to the humidity. I pull up my hair into a sloppy bun on the top of my head and hear the front door shut loudly.

Jere and Belly must be back with breakfast. I leave the bathroom and meet Conrad in the hallway.

He's massaging his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "Would you tell them to keep it down?"

"Don't you wanna come down for breakfast?" I ask. "Jere got muffins, I'm sure he picked up your favorite too."

Conrad chuckles harshly, then winces. "I doubt it. And no, I'm not going down for breakfast anyways. I can't even think about food right now."

"Hangover?" I ask. I know Connie has drank before, but I don't remember him ever getting hungover. Dad did though, sometimes.

"Mhm." He backs back into his room. "Remember to tell them to keep it down, Kristin."

"Okay," I say as he shuts his door. He probably didn't even hear me. He probably would barely come out of his room today, moping about last night and feeling sick from drinking. Oh well, it's not like it would be anything I'm not already used to.

I take the stairs softly so they wouldn't creak and disturb Conrad and find Jeremiah, Belly, and Steven laughing in the kitchen.

"Hey! Good morning, sleepyhead," Jeremiah holds out my chocolate chip muffin when he sees me behind the counter. "Bon appetit!"

I laugh. "Thanks, Jere." The muffins are huge, and even a large mouthful leaves over half the muffin still on my plate. "Oh," I say once I swallow. "Conrad told me to ask you guys to try to be quiet. He has a headache."

I notice Jeremiah rolling his eyes, but if I missed it I would've never known because the next second he's smiling again. "Sure," he tells me. "I actually start lifeguarding today so I won't be home anyways. Steve-O, you coming with me?"

"Heck yeah, man!" Steven responds, jumping up and smacking Jere on the back enthusiastically.

I laugh and Belly rolls her eyes. "Well, Kristin and I won't be home today either."

"Wait," I say quickly, remembering Mom's debutante invitation. "That starts today too?" I almost groan, but I don't. Yesterday was in the past. Today is a new day. Belly and I are still friends, it's not like we got into a fight or something, even though she did hurt my feelings. And the boys wouldn't be around today anyways. Our first deb practice will be fine, I tell myself.

Belly nods, looking somewhat excited. I have a feeling it's not because of being a debutante though, but I'd figure it out later. "I think we have to be there at ten."

I look across the room at Mom's fancy, decorative clock that's hanging on the wall. "We have twenty minutes!" Do I have to change into nicer clothes? Pack or prepare anything? Where's the moms, and who would take us since neither Belly or I could drive yet?

Jeremiah squeezes my shoulder. "I can drop you two off. My shift doesn't start until eleven, but what's better than getting there early on your first day and making a good first impression?"

"Thanks, Jere!" Belly says, giving him a side hug. "Well, I think we should maybe wear a least for the first day," she suggests to me. "Shall we?"

I smile and throw the rest of my muffin in my mouth. "Just a plain summer dress, right?" I don't wanna dress too fancy.

"Right," Belly waves me over to follow her upstairs. "Taylor threw a bunch of her dresses in my bags when I wasn't paying attention. Wanna help me pick one out?"

Taylor is Belly's best friend back home. She's visited the summer house a few times in the past, and Belly was considering inviting her back this year.

Belly and I both agree that she looks best in a light yellow dress with tiny daisies. I choose a long baby blue one from my own closet to wear with sandals.

"I think we're good," I say, somewhat confident. I'm mostly nervous because I don't know what to expect or how many people will be there.

"I think we're cute," Belly corrects me. "Let's go get our first day over with, what do you say Kristin?"

I laugh. "Sounds fine with me. So what are you planning to do afterwards?" I ask as we go back downstairs and outside to meet the boys.

"Well," Belly's face begins to flush. "I met someone yesterday at–" she pauses and I know she was wondering if I knew.

"The bonfire?" I finish for her. "I know about it, Belly."

"Oh, okay. Well, yeah, he was sweet. Talked to me. Gave me his hoodie. And he's kinda cute. I got his number and I think we're going to try going to the drive-in tonight."

"Like as a date?"

Belly shrugs nonchalantly. "You could say so."
I'm about to say something about Conrad, asking why she's not going out with him when I know she's nuts about him. And I have a feeling that Conrad feels something for her too. But I don't say anything, feeling somewhat relieved that it's not him.

Or Jere.

I cringe at the thought of them dating. Jeremiah might be a "ladies'-man", finding a girl whenever he wants to, but he never held onto many for long. He's kind to them, but Jere's just not the type to settle down with someone permanently and ends up breaking off their relationships. Things could get messy if that ever happens with Belly. Conrad might be her best bet, if he wasn't acting so off.

"That's cool," I say. We're at Jeremiah's Jeep and I figure our time of boy talk is over for now. I open the door and try to sit as neatly as possible, to appear both ladylike and to not wrinkle my dress.

Jeremiah lets out a low whistle, a smirk on his face. Steven slugs his arm from the passenger seat. "Bro, that's so weird, Jere."

Jeremiah laughs. "I didn't even say anything!" he exclaims, holding his hands up in mock-surrender.

"Dude, it's my sister." Steven pretends to act disgusted. "And yours!"

"Hey, I have the right to tell my sister she looks nice. And yours looks good too."

Belly's blushing beside me but I roll my eyes. "I'm glad we have your approval, Jere."

Jeremiah flashes an exaggerated cheesy grin. "No problem-o, sis!" he looks in the rearview mirror at Belly. "And you're welcome, too, Bells."

"I don't need anyone's approval," Belly says, but I can tell she's flattered. "But thanks,"

The country club isn't very far from the house and we are there within only a few minutes of our departure. Jeremiah pulls up against the sidewalk and puts the car into park. The building where we'll practice is just outside the car, so once we get out Jeremiah will park near the pool which isn't too far away.

"I hope you enjoyed your trip. Feel free to leave a five-star review on–"

"Thank you Jere," I cut him off, unbuckling and opening my door. "We'll keep in touch on future trips," I joke.

Jeremiah pretends to tip a hat then leaves behind whatever character he was playing. "Have fun Kris and Belly!"

"See ya!" Belly says. I wave before shutting my door.

There's a fancy sign outside the entrance that welcomes this summer's debutantes. Inside, matching, smaller signs point us down the halls to the room where our class takes place. It's filled with ten full tables, minus two seats at table nine. Belly and I find our places there.

The room is filled with girls who look my age or older, all dressed similarly to Belly and I, but they look prettier. Their makeup neater, their hair fixed fancier, their bodies slimmer. And Belly blended in with the crowd. This summer, like all these other girls, Belly was pretty.

Was I?

Everything Changes-The Summer I Turned Prettyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن