Crime and Consequences

638 15 5

[Y/N] = Your Name

[B/N] = Brother Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : This chapter takes place during the original series.

Now let the story begin.

After regaining consciousness, [Y/N] opens his eyes slowly and tries to get up.

Curse those Tennysons! Must they always be a thorn in our side? Wait....where am I? Where's Hope?!

[Y/N] takes a look at his surroundings in confusion as he hears a voice speak to him.

??? : Nice to see that you finally woke up from your beauty nap bro.

That must be....

Confirming his thoughts, [Y/N]'s older brother [B/N] walks over and sits down next to him.

[B/N] : You were in pretty bad shape when I found you little brother. For a brief moment, I was terrified at the prospect that you 'kicked the bucket' so to speak.

[Y/N] : Oh please [B/N], I am not one to be struck down so easily. Hold on, if I'm here, where is Hope?

[B/N] simply shrugs.

[B/N] : Beats me. You were alone when I found you unconscious. You don't remember anything that happened?

[Y/N] : Only that Hope and I were engaged in battle with those pesky Tennysons once again. Everything else is nothing but a blur to me at the moment.

After finishing his sentence, [Y/N]'s grasps his head in mild discomfort as his memories come rushing back to him.


Charmcaster is fighting against Gwen as [Y/N] is battling against Ben, who is currently transformed into Four Arms.

Four Arms : Don't you two know when to give up?

[Y/N] : Give up? I don't know the meaning of those words!

He blasts Ben with magic, causing him to crash into a parked car.

Gwen : Ben!

Distracted by her cousin's beat down, she is ganged up on by Charmcaster's stone creatures.

Charmcaster : You're surrounded Tennyson! Now, give me that charm you're wearing!

Gwen : Fat chance Charmcaster!

She removes the charm from her neck and smashes the magical object under her foot.

Charmcaster : NO!!! Do you realize what you've done?!

Gwen : Yeah, I stopped you from getting that charm.

The ten year old says triumphantly.

Charmcaster : You dolt! By destroying the charm, all the magic energy in it is being released and becoming unstable! It's going to explode!

Gwen : What?!

She looks down and sees the pieces of the charm glowing and becoming engulfed by a crackling energy of increasing size.

Charmcaster frantically runs over to her boyfriend, who is still fighting Ben.

Charmcaster : Babe! We need to get out of here n-

Before she can finish, the charm fragments create a small magical explosion that sends her and [Y/N] flying.

However, right before the explosion went off, Grandpa Max arrived in the Rust Bucket to save Ben and Gwen.

When the dust settles, the Tennyson family find Charmcaster exhausted on the ground and [Y/N] nowhere to be found.

Gwen : So, what are we going to do about her?

Police sirens can be heard in the distance.

Grandpa Max : I think that answers your question Gwen.

Ben : Here's my question. Where'd [Y/N] go?

Grandpa Max : I'm not sure, the explosion must have sent him off somewhere.

Unbeknownst to them, [Y/N] is nearby underneath a pile of rubble and is barely conscious.

Once the police arrived, they take Charmcaster into custody, ignoring her pleas to help her find [Y/N].

Having saved the day, the Tennysons get in the Rust Bucket and drive away.

[Y/N] : Hope....noooo.

He says weakly as he watches his girlfriend being driven off in a police car before blacking out.

Flashback End

[Y/N]'s eyes widen as the memories fully sink in.

[B/N] : Are you ok bro?

His brother tries to gets up, only to collapse back onto the bed.

[B/N] : Woah there little brother, I don't think you should be trying to push yourself now. You need to let those injuries of yours heal.

[Y/N] : I can't! I have to save Hope!

Save Hope? What is he talking about?

[B/N] : What do you mean 'save her'?

[Y/N] : I remember exactly what happened now [B/N]. I don't have time to explain everything, so in summation, Hope was taken by the police as I was losing consciousness. Now I need to go rescue her?

[B/N] : Ok, and how are you going to do that [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : I-

He tries to respond to his brother's question, but just grits his teeth in irritation.

My brother's right. I haven't the slightest idea how to save Hope. Plus with my current injuries, I don't know if I could save her even if I did have a plan. I'm so sorry Hope.

[Y/N] looks down in sadness before getting pat on the back by his brother.

[B/N] : Don't look so down bro, we will rescue her.

[Y/N] : So you have a plan then?

[B/N] : Yes. All we need to do is find out what prison Hope was taken to, then we bust her out.

[Y/N] : Is it really that easy?

[B/N] : Brother....we have magic. Do you honestly think a couple prison guards stand a chance against not just one sorcerer, but two?

....he makes a good point.

[Y/N] : Not to sound ungrateful, but why do you want to help me?

[B/N] : We may not get along all the time, but you're still my brother and I love you. I've seen how happy she makes you, and that's reason enough for me.

[Y/N] smiles as the two share a nice sibling moment.

[B/N] : Ok, now let's get you healed up and work on saving your girl!

[Y/N] : Right!

I love you Hope, and we'll bust you out soon. I promise you that.

To be continued...

Utterly Charmed : Charmcaster x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora