A Romantic Outing

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[A/N] = Artifact Name

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : This chapter takes place during the original series.

Now let the story begin.

In Salem Massachusetts, Charmcaster and her boyfriend [Y/N] [L/N] are stealing a magical artifact called [A/N], when the Tennyson family arrives on the scene to stop them.

[Y/N] : Oh goody, the old man and the kids are here.

Max : I'm gonna ignore that old man comment. Return [A/N] now and surrender yourselves peacefully.

Ben : Forget that Grandpa, I'm itching for a fight!

[Y/N] : Heh. The boy's speaking my language.

He turns to his girlfriend with a smirk.

[Y/N] : I'll deal with him and gramps, you take care of the girl. After all, I believe you two have some history.

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

Charmcaster : Sounds good to me babe.

Ben : Alright! It's hero time!

He turns the dial on the Omnitrix with the intent to transform into Heatblast, but becomes Stinkfly instead.

Stinkfly : Aww man, this stupid watch never works right! Oh well, this'll be fine.

With that, the fighting begins.

[Y/N], being a pretty talented magic user, forms a ball of energy and throws it at Ben, who dodges it and launches shots of slime at him from his four eyes.

He blocks the slime with a barrier and laughs.

[Y/N] : Is that all you got bug? I expected more from you. Take this!

He creates a magical tornado and hurls it towards Ben.

Meanwhile, Charmcaster and Ben's cousin Gwen are fighting each other with their magic.

Charmcaster : You're pretty good for a novice, but I'm still better. [A/N] belongs to me! It's an anniversary gift from my beloved [Y/N].

Gwen : It's your anniversary? Congratulations, you and your boyfriend can celebrate it together before you're put behind bars!

Charmcaster : Not happening. I won't be taken to prison like my uncle!

She summons her rock creatures to fight Gwen.

Back with [Y/N], his tornado knocks Ben out of the sky, causing him to crash into the ground.

Stinkfly : Ack! This is...not my best landing.

[Y/N] walks closer to him with another attack ready.

[Y/N] : It seems our battle is over Tennyson.

Adding insult to injury, the Omnitrix times out, returning Ben to normal.

Ben : Oh come on!

[Y/N] creates magic bindings around Ben's arms and legs, rendering him immobile.

Ben : Hey! Let me go!

[Y/N] : Nah, I don't think I will. Don't worry though, the binds will disappear eventually. Now if you excuse me, I think I'll go check up on my girlfriend and your cousin.

Max : Not so fast [Y/N]!

He turns to see Grandpa Max wielding a piece of plumber tech.

[Y/N] : I'll be honest, I completely forgot about you for a second old timer. What can you possibly do? You can't use magic, and you certainly can't transform into those...things your grandson can, so how do you expect to stop me?

Max : This is how.

He fires a glowing net at [Y/N].

[Y/N] : W-what is this?! I can't use my magic!

Max : That's right. This net was designed to neutralize anything, including magic. Pretty nifty huh?

[Y/N] lets out a cry of frustration, catching his girlfriend's attention.

Charmcaster : Babe?!

Seeing her distracted, Gwen makes a surprise attack on Charmcaster, causing her to drop [A/N].

Gwen quickly grabs [A/N] and smiles.

Gwen : Sorry, this doesn't belong to you. The little romantic outing you and your boyfriend are having is over. I'm not psychic, but I see a prison uniform in both of your futures.

Charmcaster chuckles, confusing Gwen.

Gwen : What's so funny?

Charmcaster : The fact that you think you have me beat!

She sends a pink blast at Gwen before making her way to [Y/N] and releasing him from the net.

Ben : Grandpa, you said the net neutralizes magic!

Max : It does for whoever it captures, but outside magic still affects it.

[Y/N] : I am a hundred percent done with this! Tennyson family, prepare to face my wrath!

He exclaims angrily before try to use he magic to no avail.

Max : The net's magic dampening has a lingering effect. Your magic should return in about an hour.

[Y/N] : Grr! Looks like I've been bested. I'm so sorry babe.

Charmcaster : It's alright [Y/N], we'll get our revenge some other time.

She turns her attention to the Tennysons and scowls.

Charmcaster : Twice now you have taken something that should have been mine! First the Charms of Bezel, and now [A/N]. Next time we meet, my boyfriend and I will enact our revenge, especially against you Gwendolyn Tennyson!

She casts a spell as her and [Y/N] disappear in a bright purple flash.

At [Y/N]'s home, the room lights up as he and Charmcaster arrive.

[Y/N] : That did not go the way I hoped at all! [A/N] was the perfect present for you! I'm sorry if I ruined our anniversary babe.

Charmcaster wraps her arms around her boyfriend and kisses him.

Charmcaster : You didn't ruin anything [Y/N]. Nothing could possibly ruin this day for me, not even those annoying Tennysons!

[Y/N] : Still, I wanted to get you something special like what you got me. I guess I'll have to go with plan B.

He pulls out a long pink box from his jacket and hands it to her.

She opens it and gasps, seeing a beautiful necklace in the shape of a heart with a purple stone in the middle.

Charmcaster : [Y/N], it's beautiful!

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Charmcaster : [Y/N], it's beautiful!

[Y/N] : Happy anniversary Hope, I love you.

Charmcaster : I love you too [Y/N]!

She pulls him close and plants kisses all over his face, leaving [Y/N] a flustered and grinning mess.

Utterly Charmed : Charmcaster x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now