Showdown : Ben vs. [Y/N]

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : This chapter takes place during the original series.

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] : What's going on here?!

Ben : Where are we?

During another encounter with the Tennyson family, Charmcaster and her boyfriend [Y/N] [L/N] were transported away to some mystical arena along with the Tennysons.

In the middle of the arena is Ben and [Y/N], while Charmcaster, Gwen Tennyson, and Max Tennyson are in the stands.

??? : Welcome. Allow me to introduce myself.

A mysterious voice echoes as a robed figure appears over the arena.

[Y/N] : Who are you?! Why are we here?!

??? : I am known by many names, but you can call me The Author.

Max : The Author?

Gwen : Why are you called that?

Author : Because I am the creator of many stories, a great few of them revolving

He says pointing to Charmcaster.

Charmcaster : Me?

Author : Indeed, but that is a tale for another time. As for why you're all here, it is to witness the battle of the ages.

[Y/N] : I think I get what you're saying. You want Tennyson and I to fight each other right?

Author : Correct. You two have fought multiple times before, but never to a satisfying conclusion. Today will be different.

Ben : Sweet! I'd never say no to a fight!

Gwen and Max sigh at hearing his enthusiasm.

[Y/N] : I'd love nothing more than to put this brat in his place. When do we start?

Author : In a moment, I need to make some adjustments first.

He snaps his fingers, causing both [Y/N] and Ben's watch to glow for a second.

Author : There. Ben Tennyson, I temporarily unlocked master control of the Omnitrix, allowing you to alternate between the transformations you currently have unlocked at will. As for you [Y/N], I made it so that you can use the full potential of your magic abilities. If you two are ready, let the battle begin!

Wasting no time, Ben turns into Heatblast and launches fireballs at [Y/N].

Heatblast : I'm all fired up!

[Y/N] : This fight is gonna be a washout!

He blocks the fireballs and casts a spell that blasts Ben with a powerful torrent of water.

Heatblast : Gahh! My fire!

With his fire extinguished, Ben changes into Diamondhead.

[Y/N] : Switching forms already? This is gonna be fun.

He sends a blast of magic at Ben, knocking him back.

Ben quickly retaliates by shooting multiple crystal shards at [Y/N], one managing to pierce his shoulder.

[Y/N] : Ahh! You'll pay for that!

He begins charging a strong blast of magic before launching it at Ben, who quickly changes into Stinkfly to just barely avoid the attack.

Stinkfly : Missed me! Wanna try again?

He asks tauntingly.

[Y/N] : Gladly.

He recites a spell that summons a group of flying stone creatures to attack Ben.

In the stands, Charmcaster can be seen cheering loudly for her boyfriend.

Charmcaster : Come on babe! You can do it!

Hearing her, [Y/N] looks up at her and smiles.

[Y/N] : Thanks Hope!

Gwen : Ben, watch out!

Stinkfly : Wha-

He's cut off when he gets knocked out of the sky and slammed into the ground by the stone creatures.

To avoid being beaten any further, Ben switches to Grey Matter and evades the stone creatures.

Once he's safe, Ben then turns into Cannonbolt and rushes at [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Time to play some pinball.

He creates a barrier that bounces Ben around the stadium before back he slams into the stone creatures and destroys them.

Cannonbolt : Ugh. That was the worst game of pinball ever.

He says as he lays on his back in a dazed state.

[Y/N] slowly walks over to Ben with a smirk.

[Y/N] : Looks like this is the end of our little game. I'll admit, I'm kinda disappointed this has to end.

He goes to strike Ben for a final time, but he quickly transforms into XLR8 and gets away.

[Y/N] : Grrr! Why won't you stay down?! You're as resilient as a cockroach!

XLR8 : You should know by now that I don't go down easily [Y/N]! This isn't over yet!

He says this as the Omnitrix times out, turning Ben back to his 10 year old human self.

Ben : it's over.

He says with an awkward laugh as [Y/N] grins triumphantly.

Author : This battle is over! The victor is [Y/N] [L/N]!

Rushing down from the stands, Charmcaster runs to [Y/N] and hugs him tightly with a wide smile on her face.

Charmcaster : That was awesome babe! You completely owned him!

[Y/N] : Thanks babe, having you here to cheer me on made me want to fight even harder.

Charmcaster : Aww, you were showing off for me? That's so sweet!

She plants several kisses all over his face, making him blush deeply.

Ben : Ew! All this icky romantic stuff makes me wanna barf!

Gwen : Oh grow up dweeb, you're just upset that [Y/N] whopped your butt.

His cousin says as she and Grandpa Max walk over to him.

Max : You did good out there Ben, it's a shame the Omnitrix timed out when it did.

[Y/N] : I agree.

He says as he walks over to the Tennyson family with Charmcaster clinging to his arm.

[Y/N] : Our battle was exhilarating, but it is a shame that The Author didn't make it so your watch couldn't time out.

Ben : Yeah, but the next time we fight, I'll be the winner.

[Y/N] : Doubtful.

The Author : Now that the battle has concluded, I will send you all back to where you were previously. Farewell.

He teleports them away as he thinks to himself out loud.

Author : Now what should the next chapter of this story be? I'm thinking.....karaoke.

Utterly Charmed : Charmcaster x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now