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[Y/N] = Your Name

[E/C] = Eye Color

[H/C] = Hair Color

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : This chapter takes place during Alien Force/Ultimate Alien.

Now let the story begin.

In her castle, Charmcaster gently stokes the [H/C] hair of her unconscious boyfriend [Y/N].

Charmcaster : Please wake up [Y/N], I can't lose you too.

A lone tear streams down her face as she recalls what happened.


Charmcaster : Addwaitya! I will defeat you once and for all!

Addwaitya : So, the daughter of Spellbinder has returned to Legerdomain to fight me? Such a pity to see you throw your life away after your father sacrificed everything to save it.

She snarls at him in anger.

Charmcaster : Don't you dare speak my father's name!

Addwaitya : Touched a nerve have I? If you miss your father so much, I'll gladly send you to the afterlife for a family reunion.

[Y/N] : Not happening shell head!

Addwaitya : Oh? I see you brought an ally. It makes no difference, my magic reigns supreme here.

[Y/N] : We'll see about that. Alright Hope, let's make turtle soup out of this guy!

Charmcaster : Right behind you babe!

The two begin fighting Addwaitya, but with [Y/N] being a novice at magic, he stands no chance.

[Y/N] : Urggh!

He's knocked back by Addwaitya's superior power.

Addwaitya : Pitiful. You were a fool to try taking me on. Once I finish you, the daughter of Spellbinder is next.

He hits [Y/N] with a strong magical blast, hurting him severely.

Charmcaster : [Y/N]!

She yells out as she lays on the ground exhausted from fighting.

Addwaitya : Face it girl, you've lost. I cannot be defeated. Now watch as I end yet another of your loved ones.

He goes to finish off [Y/N], but is stopped by a strong attack by Hope.

Addwaitya : How is this possible? You shouldn't have that much power left!

Hope's eyes begin to glow as pink energy radiates from all around her.

Charmcaster : I am Hope, daughter of Spellbinder! With every ounce of magic I have left, I will make you pay for everything you've done!

She taps into the magic of Legerdomain, much to Addwaitya's horror.

Charmcaster : Addwaitya, you're finished!

A powerful blast of intense magic hits Addwaitya, leaving him tired and weakened.

Addwaitya : Please...have mercy!

Charmcaster : I'm not going to destroy you, I have something else in mind.

She uses her magic to chain him to a nearby crystal.

Charmcaster : That crystal will slowly drain your magic, so you won't be a threat in this dimension any longer.

Having defeated her enemy, Hope quickly turns her attention to her injured boyfriend.

[Y/N] coughs violently while weakly looking up at his worried girlfriend with dull [E/C] eyes.

[Y/N] : Y-you did it f-finally avenged your father.

He then goes completely still as Hope runs over to him.

Charmcaster : [Y/N], please don't leave me! I love you so much!

Tears begin falling as she cries over his body.

Charmcaster : I can't lose you [Y/N], not like I lost my father! Without you, I have nothing!

She gently picks him up and carries him off.

Charmcaster : No, I will save you [Y/N], no matter what it takes.

Flashback End

Charmcaster : I went through every spellbook I have in search of a way to revive you, but the magic that Addwaitya hit you with can't be healed by normal means. There's one more thing I can think of to save you [Y/N], but it's risky.

She gently kisses his forehead before forming a glowing glyph around him.

Charmcaster : I'm sorry my love, this is gonna hurt a bit.

As she recites an ancient chant, [Y/N] writhes in discomfort as magic energies flow into him from multiple directions.

Once she finishes the chant, Hope walks over to her boyfriend as his [E/C] eyes flutter open.

[Y/N] : I'm...alive? How?

Charmcaster : I used an ancient spell to bond your life force to the magic of Legerdomain. In doing so, I managed to save your life, but at a price. Since you are now bonded with this world, you cannot survive outside of it for more than 6 hours. I'm so sorry baby, it was the only way I could save you.

[Y/N] : Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad of a downside. It just means I have to spend more time here with you, and I'm certainly not gonna complain about that.

She pulls him into a tight embrace as a few happy tears escape her eyes.

Charmcaster : I almost lost you [Y/N], I wasn't sure the ancient spell was even going to work. I'm glad it did, because I don't know how I could continue on without you in my life.

[Y/N] : Let's not think about that now. I'm alive, and that's all that matters.

Charmcaster : You have no idea just how much you mean to me. I love you [Y/N], with all of my heart.

He smiles and kisses her softly on the lips.

[Y/N] : I love you too Hope. By the way, where exactly are we?

Charmcaster : My castle, I used my magic to create it after I defeated Addwaitya. With him dealt with, I can now rule Legerdomain with you by my side.

[Y/N] : I wouldn't have it any other way Hope.

The two smile at each other before sharing a passionate kiss.

Charmcaster : I imagine you'd like a change of scenery right now, so how about we go on a date to Mr. Smoothy?

[Y/N] : Really? I love Mr. Smoothy! Let's go!

Hope chuckles and opens a portal leading out of Legerdormain, making sure to remember that [Y/N] can't be out too long before taking his hand into hers as they both step through the portal to have their date.

Utterly Charmed : Charmcaster x Male Reader One Shots and Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now