YT egos - Blank: Numbness

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You lay on your bed. If it wasn't for your schedule you would have no idea what day it is all the days just blur together. Nothing interesting ever happens, no one ever talks to you. Just work, eat, sleep, repeat. You never feel anything. It's just numb and a dull pain. Not physical but... it's still there. You close your eyes to sleep. Sleep is the only escape you get from everything. As you drift off into dreamland you see...


Pitch black...

Then a blue dot..

Then another..

You focus on the only thing that you can see then a person appears in the dark. He has blue hair and white skin. He is wearing a over sided blue hoodie with the words soft boi on it. His eyes are black, some black tears? Seem to fall from his eyes. You don't feel scared, you don't feel much about him. Or much at all...



He walks up to you, you can't tell what feelings are about you, just blank stare.

"Who are you?" He asks you in a mono tone voice. You respond with the same kinda tone.

"What are you doing here?" He questions. You can't tell why he asking this or why he is doing anything at all.. You don't respond. It's none of his business away. He looks at you for a second before asking one last question.

"Do you want to escape?"

You look at him for a second, just stare in silence before nodding slightly. The darkness fades before you revealing and small quiet bed room. The bed has blue covers neatly made. A white wood desk with nothing on it, except a container of different pens and pencils. A book shelf of lot of different books. Lastly a little book nook by the bed, it's light blue with white decorative pillows. There's a window to look out and you can hear the peaceful sound of rain. The blue hair person walks up to you.

"Grab a book and read for a bit." He says disappearing has you look at the book shelves. You look back and he's gone. You don't question it and grab book. You sit down on the book nook and start reading. It's peaceful...

Your worries melt away and you let yourself escape into the world of your book. You feel calm, the dull pain is drowned out by the sound of rain hitting the window, you don't feel any strong emotion but you don't feel bad about it. It's just peace. You can hear the sound of the rain start really pouring, crashing against the window, broken every now and then by you turning the page. You can feeling the softness of the cushions beneath you. The faint smell of the book, everything about this makes your thought go away...

Stop if you want
Continue for motivation

In the middle of your book the guy shows up. Grabs the book out of your hands and puts it away. You try to grab it back, he stops you. You continue to reach for your book. He takes you out of that delusion and puts you back into the darkness. You fight him, tell him to take you back how much you enjoyed that place and how you don't away leave. You fight until you run out of energy and just sit on the ground in defeat. He sits down in front of you and talks without moving his lips. Like an echo you can hear all around you.

You can't hide in fantasy and delusion forever...

You sit there not knowing how to react. You just sit and all the tiredness and how drained you are starts to come back. You don't have the strength to answer.

I know things are hard and everything is sometimes to much...

But you can do it...

You look up at where the guy was, he is no longer there. You sit there not having the strength to get up. Your mind starts to wonder. All the negative thoughts feelings and everything starts to come back...

All of a sudden he reappears right next to you. You flinch a bit.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you

You don't really know how to respond so you end up just staring a him.

I know you have been having a bad day or a bad mood for a while but you have gotten so far and have done so much. You got this.

The negative thoughts don't cease. They're still there, saying everything about yourself you hate and things you don't wanna think about.

You should call up a friend

You're train of thought stops at what he says

Talk to someone, go outside, do some exercise, to help get out if the mind set.

You're silent, not knowing how to react.

Just give it a try

You appear back in you bed room. No Idea how you got there. What you doing with your day... only you can control...

Hey! Hope you enjoy these stories. I enjoy making them! I know I don't upload frequently but when I do... it's something! Idk just hope you're enjoying these.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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