Sander sides - Virgil: Music Retreat

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You bolt into your room, slam your door shut and lay onto your bed. Your anger was through the roof. You were so frustrated and annoyed. Why did happen? Why things this inferating?

You hear a knock on the door. It was probably Patton. He had seen how angry you were and was trying to calm you down. But because of how angry you were, his efforts just made you more annoyed. You yell towards the door, at whoever was behind it, to go away. You heard the door open and someone walk in. You look up expecting to see Patton and tell him that you need to be alone but instead you see Virgil standing in front of your bed awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey... Uh..." He says awkwardly, trying to find the words to say. You cut him off and as nice as you can in your annoyed state, tell him that you just want to be left alone. You turn over to face the wall and try to think of a way to calm down without accidentally hurting anyone. You hear footsteps and the door close. You look over your shoulder and see that Virgil is gone and the door is closed. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Virgil's headphones and a sticky note on the headphones.

"Hey, I know your a bit angry, (Patton told me and asked me to do something) so... I thought you could borrow my headphones. They cancel out a lot of noise and when you put on music you can't ever hear people. I thought you could listen to music for a bit and once your calmed down you can talk to Patton or something.
Make sure to give them back!

You read the note and pick up the headphones. You think that it couldn't be that bad to listen to music to calm down a bit. You turn on your favorite playlist and listen to music. After a while you find something to do while you listen, drawing, clean, play a relaxing game, just some to get up and doing something.

The song 'Projector' comes on and you stop to consider whether to let it play or not. You decide to let it play.

"So light me up, my little projector."

"And eat me up like Hannibal Lecter."

"Then turn us from a friend into strangers"

"'Cause you'll never admit that you're wrong"

You remember the fight you had, and get pissed all over again. Why would they do that? They can be incredibly frustrating to deal with, sometimes.

"Enough's enough, projector"

"So sit us down and give a new lecture"

"Then wear us out like ugly old sweaters"

"You bummed me out 'til I wrote a song"

"Enough's enough, projector"

"Shut the fuck up, please"

"You flap your gums until I wanna pull my teeth"

You think about how annoyed you were at them and how it was so hard to deal with the whole situation just because they were there.

"You may invade their brain and wear them down into insane to say"

"Oh, wow!", "Oh, word!?", "That's wild, I agree"

"Nah, but that cannot be me"

"I see through every smile like 20 thread count sheets"

Just remembering the whole deal is so inferating to you, you don't really realize you were singing along.

"Apologize or die, you'd choose the latter not the right to be a decent human being just for once"

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