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It's been a year since I've moved into this place. I've always wanted a roommate! But no one new have shown up.. that is until one day.

It was 7am and I was still in bed. I suddenly heard a knock then got up and walked up to my door. Once I opened it, I was met by this guy. "Uhm, is this room 53.? I'm sorry, I'm new!" He was so pretty, beautiful, handsome, all of it. "Oh! Yes! It is! Come in!!" I moved to the side to let him in. 'Finally a new roommate!' I thought to myself.

"So what's your name?" He asked. "Minho, my name is Minho! What about you?" "Han! And it's nice to meet you Minho!" His smile was so adorable. "Do you need anything? Food? Water? Anything??" "I'm alright! Thank you!!" "So, what made ya move here?" "Oh, it's nothing." I could tell he was upset just by the way his tone changed.

Time went by and it was 8:26AM. I looked at the time while Han and I were talking. "SHIT.! I HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL!" "Wait It's my first day.! I can't be late.!!" Han quickly got up and so did I.

It only took at least 10 minutes, soon we were out the door. "HURRY UP!" "WAIT UP.!!" 5 minutes later they reach the school. "Ughh.. finally..!" "For real.." We walked inside the school then I showed Han around. Y'know, where the cafeteria was, where the classrooms were, everything! School bell rings! "Oh? Sorry Han I gtg, bye bye! See ya at lunch!" "Bye!"


After 2 hours of dying of boredom it was finally lunch time. I made my way to the cafeteria, but I saw two guys bullying a student far away from where I was standing. I couldn't just leave the poor kid so I walked towards them. As I walked closer I later found out it was Han being the one being picked on.

"HEY!" I yelled. They stopped to turn towards me, "what do ya want." "Yeah? Can't you see we're busy." "Mhm I can see, Thanks." "Good, now leave us alone with this loser." Loser? LOSER.? "Leave him alone! You sick whores!" "What did ya call us?!" One of the bullies replied. He turned and jumped on me! He soon started throwing punches at my face and of course I had to fight back. The other one let go of Han's hair and turns to us, trying to get the other one off of me.

Both Him and I were covered in blood. Teachers were soon helping me up while the others students & the two bullies watched. Poor Hannie.. I could see he was shocked with a mixed of guilt. My wounds were soon treated. I walked out the nurse's office to meet face to face with Han. "Why.." "huh.?" "Why'd didn't you l-leave me a-alone! I didn't want you to get h-hurt." He cried like a child.. I walked closer to him and gave him a hug. "Shh.. it's okay." He cried even harder. "I did it because I couldn't let them pick on you, it's your first day here.. a-and.." I stopped. Han even stop to look up. "And.?" "Nothing.." I replied.

I broke the hug and took his hand. "Let's get lunch, I'm hungry!" He wiped his tears and nod. "Sure!" We walked out then headed to the cafeteria. "Ooo theses look so yummy! OMG THEY HAVE CHEESE CAKE!!" He grabbed two slices of chocolate cheese cake.. Ahaha he really must love cheese cake. We later took a seat but the school bell rang. "Aww man.." Han said, A teacher walked up to our table and told us that "It's alright, you two can stay here since that accident." "Thank you!" I replied and gave a smile while Han was devouring the cheesecake!

He looked like a hamster!! With all that food stuffed in his cheeks! Minho turned to Han and laughed. "What?? Chocolate cheesecake is good! I love it so much.!" "You look like a Hamster!!" I laughed even more! "HEY.!"

After lunch we started walking to our classes, which we had the same hour together! After a few minutes we walked inside the classroom then everyone looked at us and started doing that "ooo!~" sound. Han and I were confused on why they were doing it until I looked down..

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