3} Monster in the Sands

Start from the beginning

"I hope that's acceptable to you, Captain." Urbosa gave you a small smile as she stepped off her shield, and you nodded and forced a smile for her. But you nails dug into your palm as your hand clenched into a fist. She picked her shield up off the sand, gently brushing it off until she heard the call of her assistant.

"Urbosa!" Saisha called, hurrying out to stand beneath the two guards at the entrance. "How long will you be gone on this 'little' excursion?"

"This will only take the morning. We should be back in the afternoon, at the latest." You told her, and Urbosa nodded in agreement.

"Be careful. I know you're a good warrior, but don't get reckless."

"I won't, Saisha, don't worry." She reassured the woman, who gave her a firm nod. "Now, who's ready to go show this sand monster who's in charge of this desert?" Your troop cheered as they all mounted their sand seals. Urbosa tossed her shield out a few yards in front of her before she ran towards it, and her sand seal, Erlene, rushed passed her so she could grasp her reigns. She leaped onto her shield, and she and Erlene headed off towards the North.

You got on your own sand seal, and along with your troop, you headed off after the chief.

You focused your attention on the path ahead of you for the most part, occasionally letting your mind drift away to listen to Urbosa as she spoke. She was talking with a few of your soldiers, and you could hear your name come up every so often. Each time, you secretly hoped she was talking directly to you. But she never was.

Urbosa glanced over to you from time to time, each time her smile dimming more as she started to feel as if her presence wasn't as welcomed by you as she had hoped it'd be. You never looked back at her, never once acknowledged that she was riding just behind you. That put her on edge. She had joined your mission in hopes it would give her a chance to talk with you.

You, on the other hand, believed that Urbosa only wanted to come to get out of the town for a few hours. You were expecting her to join your side and try to talk to you, but she seemed too wrapped up with talking to your soldiers.

You didn't see the longing in her eyes every time she looked at you. She didn't notice how your ears perked up every time she said your name.

"We're almost there." You called to your troop, looking back at them for a moment. Urbosa's face seemed to light up for a moment, but it changed when she heard a dark laugh and the sound of dust and cards falling.

"_____!" She yelled, but by then, you had already seen the Yiga Clan member standing in the way of you, and your seal halted quickly. You couldn't stop yourself as fast, and your shield slid a few more feet before you lost balance and fell. You collapsed onto the sand, using your arms to keep your body up, and you held your face just inches above the ground.

Urbosa stopped Erlene, and she held out her hand and prepared to snap her fingers, but then a blademaster appeared behind her and knocked her to the ground. Your soldiers all stopped as soon as they could, but they were quickly bombarded by many more Yiga Clan members.

You pushed yourself off the ground, quickly drawing your sword as you saw the footsoldier rushing towards you. Your blades clashed, and you managed to push them away from you for long enough so you could try and look for where Urbosa was.

She had just barely gotten herself to her feet when two footsoldiers appeared on either side of her and began tying ropes around her, forcing her to drop her sword.

"Urbosa!" You cried, rushing towards her as fast as the sand would allow you. You managed to knock down both of the Yiga soldiers before you sliced through the ropes binding her arms to her sides. You quickly grabbed her sword and gave it to her, and you stared at you breathlessly for a moment while you kneeled down. But she quickly looked back up and raised her shield, signaling you to duck lower.

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