3} Monster in the Sands

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A tired yawn pried open Urbosa's lips as she woke from her slumber, eyes fluttering open to meet the morning light that came in through the large archway across her bedroom. She sat herself up, hardly a thought in her mind aside from trying to remember the half finished dream she had that night. She hummed groggily to herself as she stepped off her bed and headed towards her vanity to get herself fixed up for the day.

She combed through her long, scarlet hair and pushed it off her shoulders and out of her way for a few moments while she tended to her skin. She did her usual routine, starting with a rich Gerudo cream before working her way to her eye make-up. She coated her lips with blue pigment, and then finished herself off with some touch up.

She then got herself dressed into her usual outfit, a golden chest plate and a lengthy navy skirt, and once she was dressed, she did her hair up. Heels and headdress, and she was ready for the day.

And a long day it would be.

"Good morning, Chief Urbosa." A soldier spoke as the chief walked down the stairs to the throne room, bowing her head along with her words. Urbosa glanced up, surprised to see your entire troop waiting there for her. All except you. "I apologize if I startled you. We were only waiting for instruction so we could head out as soon as possible."

"Ah, of course. My apologies for waking so late." Urbosa dipped her head to the woman before walking towards her throne, running her eyes past every woman to see if you were among them. Once she reached her throne, she turned to them and started, "Before we begin, where is your Captain? I would think she should want to be here for this."

"Captain _____ is getting the sand seals for our travels, so she told us to get the instruction and then meet her at the North Gate." The soldier told her, and the chief became hesitant about giving her the instruction. Not because she didn't trust her, rather, she just wanted to see you. This gave her an idea.

"Is there anyway I could accompany you to the North? I doubt you'd need the extra strength, but it has been quite a while since I've gone on such an excursion. I find the idea rather exciting." Urbosa reached for the sword and shield that lay against the side of her throne, gripping the hilt of her scimitar as she lifted it up.

The soldier seemed to consider this for a moment, and then she smiled and nodded. "It'd be an honor if you would join us, Lady Urbosa."

"Wonderful. Go find the captain, I'll join you all shortly." Urbosa got her scimitar and shield settled on her back, and she watched as the troop headed down the stairs and through the town towards the North Gate. Where you were waiting with about as many sand seals as you could possibly handle.

"Generally, they are very well behaved... perhaps it's because they're all excited to be in the open desert." One of the guards at entrance told you while they watched you try to keep the seals calm and close together. You had to practically chase after one that started wandering away.

"Captain _____!" You were relieved to finally hear the call of your soldiers, and you hurried to the entrance to see them all marching out.

"Did you receive the instruction from the chief?" You asked, watching one of the seals as you pulled its reigns closer to you so it wouldn't try to escape again. You looked back to the soldier to see a bright grin on her face as she folded her arms.

"Good news, Captain! Lady Urbosa is going to accompany us on our mission! Isn't that wonderful?" Meimi, your right hand woman, beamed as she told you this, hardly paying attention to the way your face paled and a look of surprise descended upon your face.

"What?" You breathed, not sure how to feel about what Meimi said until Urbosa came flying around the corner on her sand seal, Erlene. You watched as Erlene started to slow after the sharp turn, and Urbosa kept gliding along the sand for a few extra yards until she pushed her heel against the back of her shield, bringing herself to a stop. You stood in awe for a few seconds before you straightened your stance, unable to help feeling small under her gaze.

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