1} Sundelions

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The late-afternoon sun beat harshly down onto the Gerudo Desert, making it seem almost as hot as Death Mountain when it was nearing its peak in the sky. Though, despite the scalding heat being cast upon them, the heart of the desert, Gerudo Town, was bustling as usual with tourism, trade, and of course the usual activities that went on throughout each day.

The Chief and her council had been working all morning and into the afternoon studying a recent discovery that was made about a new strange creature in the desert. They remained hidden away doing research and creating plans to find out where these monsters were coming from.

Meanwhile, a small group of guards led by a few captains were out scavenging the area surrounding the town by order of the Chief to see if they could find any signs of the new monsters. Hunting alongside them was the Chief's seventeen-year-old daughter, Urbosa. A skilled fighter she was, having grown up under the training of some of the best Gerudo warriors of her time. And for as long as she could remember, she wanted to grow up to be the strongest chief the Gerudo had ever seen.

She just knew she could be. Many years she spent being told by her mother the demands of becoming a solid chief for their people. As soon as Urbosa learned how to read, her grandmother was having her read books on the history of the Gerudo and it's past leaders, teaching her the right and wrong in each of their deeds. It all seemed like a bit much at the time, but she was committed and determined to do what she could.

She just always hoped it had been enough.

A quiet scrape could be heard as Urbosa slid her sword back into it's scabbard on her lower back, her slender fingers still wrapped tightly around it's carved golden hilt. She looked out into the distance to see yet another Bokoblin camp set up, and she released her breath at the sight and decided to rejoin with her group before heading to clear it out.

"Captain," She bowed her head to the tall vai in charge, who's body was covered completely in the finest golden armor forged by their blacksmiths, and she copied the younger woman's action once she noticed her approaching. "There is one more camp not too far in the south. Would you like me to clear it?"

"I'll have my guards finish it off once they return. Your presence has been requested in your mother's chambers." Her gloved hand motioned to the back entrance to the town, and Urbosa's thanks to her followed the deep, displeased exhale that blew out of her nose.

The small golden plates dangling from the rim of her skirt clinked against each other as she walked through the narrow alleyway leading her to the plaza, creating a chiming melody along with the jingling of her other jewels and adornments. She headed through the nearest exit that led directly into the plaza and looked around in admiration at the decorations and tapestries layered across the sandstone walls, and Gerudo women were scattered across the main area in little groups, crafting lanterns and other trinkets for the ceremony that evening.

Young girls ran around with sparklers, pretending they were wands and even swords, and one that passed her was holding a sparkler that no longer had its fire. She stopped her, kneeled down, and then sent a gentle shock of electricity from her finger to reignite the spark. The little vai's eyes went wide in amazement, and she thanked Urbosa before running along to find her friends again.

Urbosa's heels clicked against the smooth sandstone steps as she walked up towards the throne room, and then took a right up another set of stairs to reach her mother's quarters.

She pulled back the deep violet tarp that hung over the archway, revealing the large room of the chief. The big bed in the center of the room was draped with a crimson duvet and plenty of pillows by the headboard. Sat right in the middle was not her mother, rather her grandmother.

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