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Laura's POV

I woke up and all I saw was darkness. I tried to talk but my mouth was covered, I was tied up to a chair. I let out muffled screams and the darkness went away, it was a bag over my head. " Hey sweety" Jasmine smiled at me, " Jasmine get me out of these" I demanded she untied me. " Look over there" she directed my head towards the other side of the room. I felt a scream escape my mouth as I saw my father tied to a chair across me." Jasmine let him go!" I struggled in my chair till I felt a tight slap across my face, " Shut up and listen" she slapped me hard.

" I have a request, and if you both agree then you can both leave" she walked to my father's side and took the bag over his head off to reveal the bruises on his face. " Dad... no" I cried, " I'm sorry Laura" he looked at me with tears in his eyes. " Okay so this is what I want, I want you to disperse the Black widows and let Venomous take control" she looked at my father. " Jasmine please" I begged her. She then turned to look at me and walked towards me and pulled me by my hair, " I don't think you heard me" she leaned in. she tightened her grip then roughly pushed my head forward.

" No" my father spoke out, " Excuse me?" Jasmine spat out.. " I worked my ass off for the Widows... I won't let my work go to waste. Laura will continue!" He hissed at Jasmine. " Fine... seems like you need more time to think...I'll leave you two to it" Jasmine walked out of the room. " Are you okay?" My father asked me with worry in his voice, "I'm fine... I'm so sorry dad I didn't know she was part of the enemy" I whimpered. " It's okay... Laura promise me you will not abandon the black Widows even after my death! Promise me" he shouted in a whisper. My eyes widened after he spoke about his death... did he think Jasmine was going to kill him? Is Jasmine going to kill him? " I promise".

1 week later

Jasmine's POV

" I don't understand why they can't just give up!" I slammed my hand on the table, " Maybe they need more time" Frank replied. " You're joking... it's been a week Frank and that bastard Austin is close to finding us" I shouted with anger, " Give him something to distract him then..." Frank suggested, " Keep talking..." Give him a body" he continued. An idea suddenly struck me, if they both can't let go of their drug business then one of them will. " Good idea" I smiled and kissed Frank.

I walked into the room where they were both kept captive, "Laura sweetheart we've been doing this for a month now, are you not tired?" I spone down to her weak body. "Fuck you" she said. "Oh... Ok then" I shrugged and pulled out a knife and slowly walked towards her father. "I need an answer now, and I'm gonna get it" I held the knife to his neck. "No! Jasmine please" she used up all her energy saying those words. "you've barely fed us Jasmine, he's weak. You can't kill him" she begged. "Will you back down from your leadership?" I held her father's head and placed the knife on his kneck. "Yes! I will, you can have it all Jasmine please" she cried, I smiled... "How do I know you're bot lying?" I asked. "I'll leave tge country if I have to, just please don't take him from me" she cried again.

"Jas-" Frank's voice shouted but didn't finish. "Frank ?" I called out... Silence... "Frank!" I got annoyed. Suddenly Frank walked into the room with his throat slit, "fuck" I whispered to myself as Frank's body dropped to the ground. "Let him go Jasmine" Austin walked into the room with a gun pointed towards me. "Take one step and I'll slice him" I whimpered, "Austin please" Laura begged him. His attention quickly went towards her and I could see the pain in his eyes as he saw the condition she was in. "Laura" he stepped towards her, "Don't move!" I shouted at him. "Jasmine what do you want?" he asked me, "Put your gun down and slide it to me" I demanded and pressed tge knife harder against my victim's neck hearing him let out a gasp.

Laura's POV

"Austin just do it" I begged him feeling myself get weaker and weaker. "Fine" he obliged and did as Jasmine told him. "Good boy" she picked up the gun and put away her knife. Now she had a gun pointing at my father's head, "Let him go" Austin said. "Oh I will, just as soon as I make sure that the coast is clear for me to go." I came alone" Austin held up his hands to surrender. "Aww, your boyfriend cares" she mocked me. Tears escaped my eyes and I felt their warmth slide down my pale cheeks, my chest tightened as the realization hit me. She wasn't going to let my father go, one of us isn't leaving this building alive.

"I love you Laura, and I don't regret involving you in this" my father blurted out. My head facing my feet and I started sobbing, "I'm sorry, I wish I had done better" I cried out. "You did my child, I'm so proud to call you my daughter" he smiled. Jasmine started laughing at us, "You both sound ridiculous". "I guess I should leave now huh" she looked at me before pushing my father towards Austin, as he landed in Austin's arms... Jasmine shot him 3 times. "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She then sprinted past us and got away, Austin gently placed my father in the ground and untied me. I quickly ran to his side and realized he was losing a lot of blood, I started performing CPR. "Don't go! Please" I cried to my father as blood got all over my hands. "Laura... Laura" Austin pulled me off him and hugged me tightly as I cried my heart out in his arms. He was gone.

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