Learning a lesson

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"Seriously, what on earth were you thinking, young miss!" An elegant middle-aged lady ferociously scolds Yue while she's getting a 5-star massage. It's no doubt to say that she's the embodiment of a *Yasha* right now,. It's saddening.

This is Zhang Wu, a dedicated maid who has served at the general's residence since the time of the previous lord. In her earlier years, she took on the challenging role of caring for Fang Xiong, who was quite the spirited youngster often referred to as the 'wild child.' Under her(demonic) care, he managed to graduate from an unruly boy to a fierce, well-mannered man. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she played a pivotal role in his upbringing. She's known throughout high-society as, "The Iron maid".

Yue is diligently taking her scolding while being massaged. She was already nodding off. "HEY! DON"T YOU DARE SLEEP ON ME!!!!" She mightily roared scaring the maids present and waking Yue up from her dream. "Aiya! Did someone step on a tiger's ass!" She exclaimed, causing Zhang Wu face to turn a deeper shade of red. "Such unclothed language!? That won't do my lady! Your are a Noble Miss of Duke Fang! And you dare use foul words! Unacceptable!!!" Her face twisted itself into something demonic. She is truly a Yasha....

"Sorry Mammy." She meekly replied as she awkwardly scratched her head. Though she does admit it, she went to far.....But

"If I didn't, then I would've lost" She muttered under her breath; it was true. Rio was more skilled than she expected. she didn't go all out, she'd lost. How could she call herself her big sister if she's weaker than her? 

Thankfully she's injured and no one heard, otherwise, she wouldn't come out of here alive...


Elsewhere, On the road of Lai Kingdom's capital, QiunLai, was unusually busy, bustling with life. The main cause is that the hunting festival is near. Men, Women, Children; everyone walked along the large road. Above them is a grand palace, Xiùwei, the imperial palace. There is where the great emperor and the imperial family members live.

The concubines live somewhere else, but were aren't here for that. Out story laid somewhere else...

In the Weimanng palace, one of the many palaces, is where the 7th prince, Lai Huai resides.


He threw the exquisite porcelain cup onto the floor, bursting into a million pieces.

"May you cease your anger, My prince." 2 figures clad in somber black attire as they prostrated themselves on the cold ground.. His body trembled with rage, but hey? Who could blame him? Every single one of his spies had been uncovered, some even met their demise. He had invested countless hours unraveling the secrets concealed behind General Fang's closed doors, and now it all appeared to be in vain!

Lai Huai is recently turned 13 years old, so he's quite immature still. He grabs his hair in frustration.

'Damn it! Damn it! How did this happen!? What's going to happen when mother find out' He woefully thought. Yes, it wasn't him who placed spies in the Fang House, but his mother, Imperial Consort Ming. She just gave control of her shadows to him. After all, Fang Yue is essential to the throne; her bloodline, prestige and intelligence is perfect. The only thing that's 'wrong' is her attitude, but that's fine. She's the most suitable for Empress. All he needed what to 'monitor' her, but that's gone!

Now, he has no way of keeping 'contact' with her! Then all of his plans wih go for naught.

So many though were spinning around his head when one of the shadows spoke up. "Don't worry my prince. The spies hadn't confessed. No one knows your the mastermind" He snapped out of his thoughts, instantly calming down.

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