Spending time with sister

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The next day, when Rio woke up it was already late. She called for personal maid twice, but she didn't come. She frowned, feeling something had happened. Otherwise, she would have at least said something by now. She quickly got changed and left her room. 

[Reina, where's Yue?]

[Reina: She in the one of the main guestrooms with all the servant.] She felt a little alarmed.

[Reina: Right now, she with all the servants. It seems like she knows what happen.]

"I gotta hurry then." With Reina guidance, she quickly made it to the guest. There what she saw, were hundreds of servants kneel down on the floor and Yue, standing on a platform with a whip in her hand. She cracked it loud on the ground, scarring the people below. 

Aiya, What an aura. She is only 10, yet she is so charismatic....


I accidentally stepped to hard, everyone's head turn to my direction. Now, everyone knows I'm here. Yue looks down at me in shock.


Surprisingly somehow, she jumped from the platform, perfectly landing near me. While my eyes were bulging out of my sockets.

How is this possible!? Nobody in her previous life could do that!! Is this the so-called marital art!!?  

She was quickly deeply immersed in her thoughts, well it couldn't be helped.  She's never seen a person, fly before. When Yue put her hand on her head, she finally snapped back to reality."A-Alya!! What are you doing here!? You're suppose to be in bed!!" She barraged her with a thousand questions, again.

She shook her head and said,"Big sister, I couldn't find baobao. I came here to get her." Her sweet, melodic voice calmed down Yue immediately. Like a trickling mountain spring, her mind cooled down. She gave a light smile before-


"Shishi, laolao, prepare her something light!" The kneeling maids sprang up and bolted out of the room. One of them returned with table wear and guided her to a seat by the courtyard table. She laid the table wear down, making it as if it looked like 5-star-hotel table. She sat down and patiently waited. The food came soon after, it looks exquisite and delicious. She munched on the food while watching the show.

Yue notice her glaze, " Little sister, I'll play with you once I'm done questioning these people." She walked back to the platform, coldly gazing upon the servants once again. "Yiyi!" she fliched upon hearing her name."Come here." She was hesitant, but slowly walked forward. She kowtowed, afraid of raising her head.

"is everything you said true." She's shaking, but she must confess. It's already to late.

Gritting her teeth, she finally spoke," Yes it is, Young Miss. I'm a spy. I've received over to monitor your movement. That other maid was my superior- "

"Lies!! She's lying, Young Miss!!" The other spy, hysterically screamed, yet it was pointless." Lying? Then what was the letter? And why were you beating her?" Her face paled, Yue sneered, "From what I recall, yiyi didn't offend you nor was close to you. So why? "Her face grew paler and paler by the second.


"Please forgive me, young miss. I need the money for my mother. Right now, she's gravely sick. The medicine she needs isn't cheap either. I beg of your benevolence!" She banged her head repeatedly on the cold ground. Yet, there was only one question in Yue's head. 

'Who is she working for?'

"Yiyi, who are you working for?"

"......About that.....I don't know?" Yue felt doubtful, after all, had could that be? "Miss, it's really the truth! I was just order to watch you through her. I've never seen themselves." Yue clicked her tongue, feeling this is more complicated then she though.


"I decided. The spy is to receive 56 lashes." She kicked up a fuss, screaming and crying about 'how she was framed', but was dragged away. Yue gaze settled on Zhi yi. "And for you....-

Wait a moment." A crispy, heavenly voice causing everyone's attention going to one person, Rio. She calmly got up, slowly walking to Yue."Big sister, if you're going to punish that maid, can you give her to me?" Everyone was in a upraor. What? She wants to take this maid? Despite being a spy. No this could not happen!!!

"Alya!! What are you talking about!? This girl is a spy!!" Yue tried to dissuade Rio. She didn't want to leave her little sister in the hands of a traitor!!! Yet, she remained as calm as water. "Big sister, I find her pitiful. I know she's a spy, but if something happens to her, what about her mother?" Her voice was like a gentle breeze, so convincing and enchanting.

"But......" This isn't good. She had to be stay frim. "Sisster~~~~ Please~~~" She looked at her with her most cutest puppy eyes."Beside, I don't have anyone besides baobao." A flood of guilt rushed towards Yue's chest. What she said was true, her arrangements haven't finished due to her recent arrival. "(One more push.) I could keep watch of her." And the final nail, she(reluctantly) agreed. Yiyi's mom's medical expenses are covered, the spy was beaten half-to-death and Yiyi is transferred. (This is a nice ending, if you ask me.)

"Sister, let's play." She wined like a child(Which she is right now.) "Okay. But first, let's eat". You haven't had breakfast yet, right?" She nods, following Yue into the dining hall. "...Alya, how do you think I handle those spies?" She hesitantly looks at Rio. She seemed to be scared of what she though.

"You handled it well. If you went easier on them, you would be seen as soft." That was the truth. If she went easier, it would look like she incompetent and weak-willed. A noble can't show weakness, especially a high-ranking one. 

She sighed in relief, thank goodness her sister is intelligent and understanding. "That's good. I thought you would say something like, 'Big sister, you're too cruel!!' Like a certain  someone I know." Her face visibly darkens, she was probably talking about the female lead. But, I can't let her know that though. "Who is Big sister talking about?" She innocently asked.

"Xu Mei, an acquaintance" Rio wryly laughed inward. According the story line, Xu Mei has been in her 'friend' circle for quite a long time, yet she had regarded her as nothing more than an 'acquaintance.'

She's.....my friend's cousin. She's similar to you." By that, she meant their past. Both of them had pitiful past, their parents died, leaving them all alone. 

But, her little sister is different from her. Even though Xu Mei hadn't shown her 'true' side, Yue can vaguely tell that Xu Mei was no good. "She's something I don't like. For example if Xu Mei were her she would probably do this!" She changed her prosture, putting on a frail look and making an orchi/d gesture. She shockingly looked at Rio and continued, "Big Sister Fang, how can you do something like that!? She was forced by circumstances and trying to save her mother! How can you punish her for that!?" Rio couldn't help but laugh when she saw the girl's performance.

"She would probably bawl her eyes out and......tch!" It couldn't be helped. Fang Yue and Xu Mei are 2 two different people. Fang Yue hates schemers or drama queens, unfortunately, Xu Mei is both. 

She laughed, her laughter akin to bells,  Yue felt no longer in a bad mood. 

When the food came, they peaceful ate. Afterwards, Yue gave a tour to Rio. Both children, smiling and laughing. 

Today, she spent time with her sister

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