part nine- lesson five

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when the pogues woke up, jj was curled in a ball digging into john b's side. normally, he would be sprawled out, limbs falling all over the place. however, when he felt uneasy or subconsciously felt the need to protect himself all night, he balled up.

jj was quick to adjust himself off of his best friend, and grab a glass of water from the kitchen. it's happened several times where he either goes to bed or wakes up cuddling one of the two siblings, and it was something they never talked about. jj wasn't very open when it comes to sharing his feelings/wanting to be comforted, but the routledge siblings could always read his mind.

by now avery was holding a cup of coffee close to her lips, "you know that's gonna stunt your growth right" jj smirked "that's not actually true" pope said, walking into the chateau followed by kie and sarah "it's just a myth" he added after receiving a confused look from jj.

"nah bro it's definitely true, aves how long have you been drinking coffee" he asked "i don't know since i was like 9 maybe?" she replied "exactly" jj grinned pointing to the girl and looking at pope. "since when do you care about shit being bad for you" kie chimed in, earning a "at least i have back up" look from avery.

"i don't i just think it's fun to mess with you" jj replied looking back and forth between the two girls.

avery held up her hand and made a talking gesture with it while mouthing "bla bla bla" to mock the blonde boy. "better be careful with that before i rip it off" he warned. avery grinned knowing he would never actually do it.

"we're taking the boat out today right?" pope asked. john b nodded, getting up from the couch and walking outside with him towards the dock. sarah and avery packed a bag of snacks while jj filled a cooler up with drinks. they were out on the hms pogue in no time.

"coolest trick gets the next beer" john b challenges his friends to a contest while doing a flip off the front of the boat. jj showed him up with a back flip and pope tried his best to do some sort of trick but under up landing on his back in the water. jj victoriously took the beer and chugged about half of it before taking a seat next to avery, who was snacking on some pretzles.

"god go away, ur getting my pretzles all soggy" she pushed him. in response he swung an arm around her shoulders and shook his head like a dog, spraying water all over the poor girl and her snacks.

"asshole" she muttered, throwing one at him. "you love me" jj laughed. "you wish maybank" avery spit back "oh come on you know you do" "in your fucking dreams" she whispered back. he quickly picked her up and carried her to the edge of the boat, threatening to drop her in "say it aves" he laughed "never!" she screamed. he pretended to drop her, causing her grip on him
to tighten "i'll give you one last chance" he told her "ok ok! i love you dumbass" she laughed.

"i knew it" jj winked. just as he was about to set her down, pope and john b came running towards them, pushing them both into the water.

"fuck" avery hissed, popping out of the cold water. jj was next to her, flipping off his friends that were laughing above them. "suck my dick" he added, only contributing to the laughter above. the pair swam to the back of the boat and began to climb the ladder back inside. avery went first, receiving a light tap on her ass from jj as she climbed. she grinned to herself before flipping him off behind her back.

once they were on the boat, they took revenge on jb and pope, eventually dragging sarah and kie in with them. it turned into a whole water fight between the group.

when the fight finally ended, jj and avery sat next to each other on the side of the boat. avery leaned in and whispered "i think i'm ready" "for what?" jj whispered back "ya know.. to actually do it" she suggested "like real sex" she added. "what makes you say that" jj smiled "i don't know can't a girl just want to fuck?" avery laughed "can't argue with that. tonight back at your place?" he asked. avery nodded and her hummed in response.

they had already done just about everything together, but her stomach was still fluttering with butterflies. she was actually going to have sex tonight, and it was with her brothers best friend. she still cant get over the fact that jj maybank is teaching her how to do all these things.

back at the chateau, jj had snuck in through avery's window again, this time with condoms in his pocket and an even more sinful grin on his face. "we don't have to do this if you're not ready" he assured her "i'm ready.. but jay?" she chirped "hmm" he replied "just go slow ok?" she asked. he nodded and kissed the top of her head. he leaned her back onto her bed and started to kiss her gently. they had never actually made out before, especially not as gentle as this. they lay there for a few minutes before jj pulled his shirt over his head and lifted avery up to help with hers. he placed kissed along her neck and down her chest and above her bra covered boobs.

he promised her he would take it slow and that's exactly what he was doing. he helped her out of her shorts, sliding them down her legs and tossing them across her room. he used one hand to reach into her panties and gently rub along her. he took his sweet time opening her and getting her to loosen up, all while still kissing her. she moaned softly into his mouth as he picked up his pace.

after several more minutes of warming her up, jj removed the last articles of clothing between them, and slid a condom on before leaning back down to avery's naked body. he swirled his tongue around her nipples, and kissed down her entire body. he had never actually seen her fully naked before. they're lessons never required it. "you ready?" he asked her, lining himself up with her entrance. she nodded nervously, and reached up for something to grab. his hair, hands, arms anything. he slowly filled her up, causing her to gasp. it hurt but in a good way.

"y-you can go faster if you want" she told him. he nodded and agreed to speed up, just a little. normally, jj found missionary boring. but it was different with avery. tonight it felt special. he cupped her face with one hand and used his other to play with her clit. he was determined to make her cum her first time having sex. so many girls complain about not having a good time, but he wanted to do everything he could to make sure she wasn't one of them.

"oh my god" she breathed. jj picked up his pace again, brining himself closer to the edge "jage i think i'm gonna" she choked "it's ok, cum for me baby i got you" he told her, holding her in his arms. not even 10 seconds later she came with jj.

he eased out of her and turned to throw the condom away in her trash can, sliding on a pair of underwear and returned to avery's bed. he slid in next to her and faced her. he reached out and twirled a piece of her hair for a minute, and gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"so, what do you think" jj smiled at her "i can see why you have glowing reviews" avery giggled, earning a laugh from the boy next to her. truth is he didn't usually take his time like this. he usually fucked and then left. occasionally a touron would spend the night but, they would fuck again in the morning and she'd be on her way back to her family.

jj traced the girls features with his finger, admiring her. "will you stay" she asked him "of course" he told her. he would give her the world if she asked. the two made them selves comfortable for the night, which resulted in jj laying on his back while avery latched onto the side of him, cuddling like this for the rest of the night.

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