part three- sleeping over cont.

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"come on aves let's go back to bed" he spoke shaking his arm from her "i wanted to ask you something first" she pleaded. he gave into her request and focused his attention on her. "you know how you figured out i've never had sex before" she started, "well i've never done anything" "is there a point you're getting at?" he asked her "yea um.. i want to know how to do everything and... um... i want you to teach me" she finished. jjs breath hitched at her filthy words.

"avery you're john b's sister, it's not that i don't find you attractive ok? please don't think you're not attractive or anything, i just promised john b a while ago that i would never do anything with you and don't you think it would be weird anyway, like even if i didn't promise him" he rambled trying to convince himself more than her that it was a bad idea.

"come on i'm the only one who hasn't don't anything, even pope." jj laughed at her statement "please jage," she started running his fingers down his forearms "you're the only one i trust enough to not make it weird and to not hurt me. i'm only asking so the next time a guy comes along so i know what to do" she continued. his stare was firm while he held his breath "please jj i want you. i need you to teach me how to fuck" she explicitly begged and he broke "god aves don't look at me like that because you'll get what you want" he sighed. a smile creeped up onto her face "so that's a yes?" she asked "it's a yes" he sighed giving into her

"but listen we need to set some ground rules" he continued and she nodded grabbing a pen and paper to write them down on "1. john b can NEVER find out, or anyone else but especially him" jj made it explicitly clear that this was his biggest rule and avery agreed knowing it's for the best. "ok 2. we stay friends no matter what. don't make it weird and don't catch feelings" avery stated "trust me princess if anyone was to catch feelings it would be you" jj laughed "3. you have to come to me ok? any question, anything you wanna try, anything at all you come to me. i'm not gonna ask you what you want to learn, you'll have to use your words" he spoke firmly "speaking of, i want you to have a safe word if you need it. red means stop everything, yellow means slow down and green means good" he added and she nodded "i think that's good for now" avery spoke "we can add more if we need to" she continued.

she even signed her name at the bottom of the page and handed it to jj to do the same. she folded the paper up and stuffed it in her tshirt drawer in the bottom left corner. "you've kissed people though right?" jj asked just to clarify how much teaching she actually needed. avery rolled her eyes and reassured him that she had kissed plenty of people.

"lesson one starts now- i'm gonna teach you how to listen. we're gonna go back to bed out there and go to sleep and if you remember this in the morning i want you to find a way to bring it up again. this way i know you're serious about this and not just shitfaced" he chuckled. "yes jage" she was so obedient.

he lead her back out to the bed where everyone was still out cold, and wrapped one of his hands around her thigh as she faced away from him to sleep.  her skin was hot against his colder finger tips that danced up and down teasingly.  "i told you to listen and go to bed" he whispered behind her, lifting up the back of her shirt to scratch/rub her back until she herself was out cold like the rest of them.

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