To be honest, I am hiding from Lucas out of fear that he will ask me to dance as well. Lilian is cringing at some girls her age. Meanwhile, I spot a group of princes engaged in a heated discussion, their expressions serious and determined.

However, I kept my eye on Lilian, determined to stop any bad thing from happening.

From behind me, I hear an unidentified voice saying, "Oh my, Lady Evory, we rarely get to see you in events." I turn to look at them. Gold-colored blonde hair and dark brown eyes reminiscent of ginger. Possibly she is... I have no idea. 

I don't recall pointless details about these minor characters. However, something about her reminds me of someone I know, particularly her golden blonde hair. Her clothing captures my full attention. a dazzling white gown with golden accents. Despite how lovely it might seem, based on the lovely clothes she is wearing, I don't think she was mentioned in the novel.

Her friends were taken aback when I smiled at her.

One of her friends remarks, "Lady Evory, you are so beautiful." My smile appears to have captured their attention, causing them to freeze. A person standing next to her lightly strikes her with her elbow. I hold back a chuckle. 

The gold-blonde blows and says, "I apologize for my rudeness. It is great to meet you after so long, Lady Evory."

Bitch, please say your name.

I respond, "I do not recall ever meeting you before." She gets frozen. Her eyes display some fear, as I can see. Again bowing, she says, "I, Baily Cassandra Flynn, have always wanted to meet Lady Evory. I apologize for my selfishness". She was making an effort to conceal her situation. I can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her nervousness.

I return her bow as I say, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Baily. No need to apologize; I understand the excitement of finally meeting someone you admire. Please, let's put any discomfort aside and enjoy our time together." I offer her a warm smile, hoping to ease her nerves.

Hold on, Flynn? What the heck? She is the younger sister of Alexander! The fact that her hair is golden blonde makes sense. They both have the same shade of hair. I gave myself a mental slap. She was, of course, mentioned in the novel, but she was not detailed so I couldn't recognize. although she was not an important character at this event in the novel. Evory met Baily later on when Baily and Lilian became close friends.

She states, "You have quite a special beauty." Was she making fun of my father-like face?

"You're more prettier in person than heard" I say. That wasn't sarcastic. If I'm not wrong, she is a spirit element. her spirit animal is a tiger. I'd love to see her tiger but! I can't be friends with her, the very sister of Alexander. Nope, she is cancelled.

She smiles at me shyly. She definitely wasn't trying to bully me, was she? But when she notice I'm undefeatable she backed down?

Of course, she would never target the daughter of the Empress.

According to the novel, she is a troublemaker. Despite having a sinister appearance, she is actually nice.

at the very moment, A sudden glass-breaking sound in the hallway catches everyone's attention, causing them to wonder what it is.

The scene my eyes are looking at is dangerously unpleasant. A girl with pink hair has thrown wine at Lilian's light green dress and threw the glass on the ground. Lilian is staring down at the broken glass. what the.... 

That pink hair—I know her. She was one of Evory's friends who bullied Lilian. Her name was.... Diana. Yeah, Diana Ross, it was. 

Diana Ross is standing there with a proud smirk on her face, revealing in the chaos she has caused. The room falls into an uncomfortable silence as everyone waits to see how Lilian will react to this act of humiliation. Wait, it was Evory who did that, not Diana, right? But... no way. Don't tell me. Certain events are destined to happen. was Lilian written to be bullied no matter what?

I have to stop the event from getting worse. What if Alexander finds this and assumes I staged this? What word would spread if the victim's sister doesn't step in to help her? I rush towards the pink head. On the way, I grab a glass full of wine.

"Princess Diana.." I call out her name. That pink head turns around upon hearing my voice.

Taking the moment as an advantage, I splash the drink at her face. The liquid drips down her shocked expression as she stumbles back, gasping for air.

The room falls, and all eyes are now on us. The wine drips down her face and ruins her purple dress. As the wine stains her dress, whispers start to circulate throughout the room.

Who gave you the right to mess with my sister?

"What happened, Lilian?" I ask, glaring at Diana. 

Lilian shifts uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. "I didn't mean to cause any harm," she stammers. That angered me even more. 

"Princess Lilian, daughter of the Empress, where are your manners?" I ask. Lilian flinches and casts an anxious glance my way. "That's how you respond to your older sister? I asked, What happened?" My voice was shivering with anger. 

Lilian's response only fueled my frustration, as I struggle to comprehend why she would defend someone who clearly crossed the line. 

"Lady Diana.. Said I shouldn't wear a light colour dress at a splendid birthday events. That makes me.. Shame the events" Lilian says hesitately. I could see the hurt in Lilian's eyes as she struggled to explain herself. Her voice quivered with vulnerability.

"Lady Baily had worn a light-coloured dress too. Do you mean she was shaming this birthday event as well?" I ask while glaring at Diana.

Diana's face flushed. I tried too hard to prevent anything bad happening to Lilian, and you fucking bitch ruined it. But now, it was clear that my efforts had been in vain, and I couldn't help but curse under my breath at Diana's insensitivity.

"No.. No, Lady Evory. T-That's wasn't my meaning" Diana says while looking down.

Diana's eyes filled with fears as she stammered, "N-No, Lady Evory. I would never accuse Lady Lilian of such a thing. I simply meant that the dress she wore was too light in color, but it was not meant as a reflection on the birthday event." 

The tension in the room grew obvious. "So Your saying my sister is lying?" My voice came out deeper than expected. 

Lillian turns to face me as if to say something, but seeing my anger, she is taken aback and remains silent for a while.

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