However, things did get a little better. In addition to looking after Lilian, he also cared for me. He brought me flowers and presents, but because he seemed more focused on Lilian, I think he did it because I'm his fiancé. He will stop bothering to do all of these things once I call off the engagement.

If everything plays out as it should in the novel, Lilian will meet Prince Alexander Claus Flynn tomorrow, the second prince of Serus kingdom, at his birthday boutique.

That's right... Now is when the real things will begin.

Evory will outshine Lilian at the ball by wearing the same coloured dress. she would humiliate Lilian and ruin her clothes.

Evory had always been envious of Lilian's beauty and charm, and she took it as a chance of stealing the spotlight but in a wrong way.

By this time, Lilian had already attracted the prince Alexander's attention with her innocent beauty; he would eject Evory from the ball and comfort the poor Lilian.

Once he has made up his mind, he will decide to punish Evory in order to teach her a lesson.

She will be poisoned in her birthday boutique by Prince Alexander and a knight named Noah.

She'll be sick from it for weeks. She will face much pain in her body before recovering. Despite the intense suffering Evory will endure, she will manage to survive the poisoning and slowly regain her strength.

However, the incident left a lasting impact on her, transforming her into a more of a villainess, leading her to her final doom.

I better be careful because Prince Alexander isn't the typical royal Prince.

In good words, He is a spirit element that connects all matter and has the power to create a creature spirit in accordance with someone's soul. and his spirit creature is a pheonix. He is highly recognised for having won several wars.

But in bad words, He has a soft spot for justice. Some question the morality of his actions, as he is willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve his version of justice, even if it results in murder.

I don't want to become sick or get poisoned by him.

Definitely not him!

Just a friendly reminder for me: Evory can be killed by seven men who are Lilian's suitors.

Princes Lucas and Alexander are two of them. Even if Lucas wouldn't murder me right now considering our engagement, Alexander might not hesitate for one fifth of a second.

For the time being, all I need to do is dress differently than Lilian, prevent any unpleasant things from happening to her, and definitely avoid being spotted by Prince Alexander.

He must be unaware of my existence. I better not die earlier.

"Lady Evory, Prince Lucas is here." Emily, my personal maid says.

Ugh, You better tell this to Lilian. He seems to be coming for Lilian, not me. I'm just an excuse. Whenever I seem to be relaxed on my own, he seems to appear out of blue.

"Alright," I reply patiently.


He was already giggling with Lilian when I descended to meet him. I roll my eyes. I walk towards them and greet them politely. They appear to be caught off guard because they did not notice me coming.

"You're here.. Evory" Lilian says with a cute smile.

Of course, I told her to call me Evory. I don't like being called a lady, your grace, or whatever.

I simply smiled at her as a response. Everyone knows what an introvert I'm. I mean, I didn't hide the fact. I prefer to keep to myself reserved and avoid unnecessary attention.

"Prince Lucas has been waiting for you" She says with a wink. Something... Is definitely not right here.

"It's a pleasure, that you came to visit, your highness" I say with a courtesy.

"Will you be so kind to look at me, Lady Evory?" Lucas's deep voice caught me off guard. I ask, "Pardon?" as I turn to face him.

"You hardly give me a glance.. Am I that unattractive?" That informality from him implied that he was disappointed at me in some way. I could sense a hint of vulnerability in his voice, which also surprised me.

I'm not sure how to respond to the question he posed, though. Perhaps the truth?

You never once loved Evory., and you made her feel loved by faking kindness, which is what makes me dislike you. But it's not about your appearance, Lucas. It's about the way you treated Evory.

"Of course not, Your Grace! You are among the most attractive princes ever", interrupts Lilian.

That's true, but for me, your deceit overrode your attractiveness.

"I came to meet Evory, but it appears she is not at all interested in me", he chuckles.

I would like to ask which weed he had before coming here. Why is he wanting Evory's attention out of the blue?

"Our Evory has been patiently waiting for you all this time. She's simply timid. Come on, Evory; he's your fiance. How long will you retain the formalities with him?" says Lilian.

What the heck? I cast a glance at her. I get another wink from her. She's.. Really up to something..

"Anyway, I have something to do. Have a great time." With that, she greets us and leaves. That brat of a cupid..

Lucas notices me looking at Lilian's direction. He speaks after clearing his throat, "You look lovely as always." I observe his perplexed expression. "I know you wouldn't like it, but..." he stops before continuing, "would you like me to be your escort for the ball tomorrow?" I glance away. From him, I try to hide my surprise and confusion.

Now this. He couldn't ask Lilian because he is My Fiancé. Words will get out if he goes with my sister. Wait, but this never happened in the novel. I mean he never asked to be Evory's Escort, not even once. It's not like Lucas to make such a bold offer to Evory. Is this because I gave them more time together made him more desperate for Lilian?

I subconsciously smile. Smile of bitterness. He came to ask my hand to be with my sister. Evory's fiancé's word doesn't suit him. "Yes, you may, your highness," I say.

"I'd like you to call me Lucas."


I look at him once again. He is serious. "Call me Lucas."

"Lucas?" But why, exactly? Beacuse If I do, will my sister also refer to you in this manner?

He removes a strand of hair that was blocking my face and locks it behind my ear. His movement causes me to become stiff. You better not try to kiss me, asshole.

"I appreciate it when you refer to me as Lucas", he says. It's hard for me to believe. I force a smile and take a step back. When I backed away from him, he gave me a sad and dissatisfied expression.

Such two-faced person..

"Then I'll see you tomorrow, Lucas," I forcely say and bow. His face turns a soft pink as he gives me a smile. I smiled back. 

Before he turned around to leave, I saw an unusual expression from him. It was unreadable. His eyes looked sad as his smile faded. I couldn't help but wonder was there something he wanted to say but couldn't?

Did he feel sad because he couldn't see Lilian before leaving?

Because of the way the novel presented his relationships with Evory and Lilian, I find it difficult to believe that he ever gave Evory a second glance. Evory had genuine confidence that he loved and cared about her. With her, he put on a whole act. She only wanted love, but her fiancé finally deceived her. 

No, Evory, not now. I won't let her body to endure the same pain.

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