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Zen Aku, the werewolf Duke org, may have been many things, but one thing she was not, was unprepared.

The moon was full, fog had rolled in, there was darkness as Zen ran threw the forest, her lungs burned. She could feel her legs giving out as she made her way deeper into the forbidden forest. She spotted a tangle of overgrown roots, weeds, and fallen trees and made her way towards it. As she hopped over a dead oak tree she glanced back but didn't see the Figure trailing her. A sudden panic filled her chest and she drew a deep breath, once again releasing a howl into the darkened wood.

Only eerie deadly silence answered her. Another heart stopping second passed, then something to her left caught her attention. Her blood ran cold and her heart seemed to stop. Trembling she forced herself to turn towards the shadows and waited. The figure made it's way out of the shadows, Zen's fear reached a fevered pitch. The figure stalked her like prey, which was ironic since Zen was the werewolf Org, it was circling her in ever tightening passes, each time coming closer to the young girl. Zen stood frozen, silent tears running down her face. There was nothing would save her.

As those last thoughts filled her mind, The figure let out a laugh,, one of victory, and pounced on the girl knocking her to the ground. Zen's head slammed onto a rock and a deep gash let a river of blood loose. The figure inhaled. Hot saliva dripped on Zen's face. She felt disgusted and terrified. The figure reached for a flute like thing from its belt. She began to push the figure off of her. Deciding that if she were to die, then it would be fighting.

The figure was suddenly knocked off her and she wasted no time waiting for him to hit the ground. Jumping to her feet she surged through the forest. Her head was fuzzy and her vision swam. Trees doubled and tripled as she ran past them. The dark shadows that filled the forest seemed to be making a home in her head and in her eyes. She could feel her blood-soaked hair weighing her head down, could feel the blood as it trickled down her face and neck, drying in a grotesque sticky mess.

She began to stumble as her body protested her movements. She couldn't hear the figure but she knew he was close. Rounding an ancient tree she tripped over an exposed root. She pushed herself up forcing her body to obey her. As she gained her footing something knocked her down.

She cried out into the night, The ground rumbled, Zen turned to see Merrick arrive in his car. " Thank Animus it's you" Zen said puffing as she headed over to the car. Merrick pulled her into his car. Her vision started to swim again. Her body finally giving way, she dropped flat to the ground. As her last moments of consciousness slipped away she saw a whirl and the sound of Merrick's voice. Then darkness was all around her.

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