KiriKami: The Only Wish

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It was a hot summer night as Class 1-A spent their first and last summer trip and the last days of their first year together. A break and a reward for the strenuous past year, for the aspiring heroes. Of course, both Aizawa and All Might were with them and took over the supervision and care of the students. But these two also deserve some peace and quiet, which is why the entire private island is protected and their peace and quiet is secured... at least from possible villain attacks. It was just after eight in the evening, most of them were still celebrating in silence, while Kaminari was lying bored on his futon in the boys' room. He stared at the wooden ceiling as he heard the wind from the only fan in the room in the background.

Of course, he had previously set it up so that the wind would definitely hit him because he was hot and didn't feel like going to the party two or three rooms away. Luckily the others aren't loud, he thought to himself as the wind blew his hair from one cheek to the other. The wind also brushed against his half-naked chest because his yukata wasn't tied properly. As the wind blew through his hair and across his chest, his thoughts sank deeper and deeper. What was he thinking about as he looked at the wooden ceiling with heat-filled eyes? To be honest, Kaminari couldn't even have answered that question himself because even when he thought about something, his mind was blank. He was just more than just bored.


After hours had passed and Denki Kaminari's phone was now dead, said man walked around the room several times. He searched through the others' things, but what surprised him most was Todoroki's bag because he found a condom. Since when did Todoroki have a girlfriend, Kaminari asked himself and began to play with the condom in his hand, wondering which girl he wanted to fuck on the ride. But of course he couldn't decide, but it would have been wrong anyway because it wouldn't be a girl. Now Kaminari couldn't put the condom back anymore. It was half torn, not as hygienic as before and of course Kaminari couldn't do something like that to anyone. So he picked up what he had just named while he rummaged through other bags, but stopped in front of Kirishima's bag. What is he doing here? He's going through other people's property, as a budding hero that's unacceptable, Kaminari thought, so he stayed away from the last bag.

So he sat cross-legged on Kirishima's futon and stared curiously at his bag. When he got tired of staring, he quickly looked away, threw himself on the floor and began to roll around wildly. He also didn't know why he reacted like that because he didn't know what could be in Kirishima's bag... he just knew that he still had strong feelings for Kirishima even though their relationship was put on hold. That's right, Eijirou Kirishima and Denki Kaminari got together that year because both parties loved each other. Unfortunately, their relationship fell apart when they lost touch with each other. Their relationship started great, but over time it faded. To be honest, neither of them had ever broken up and yes, technically they are still together, but both seem to have forgotten about their relationship... So now Kaminari seems to have had a thought after all. His forgotten relationship now began to spin his head as he stopped in the middle of the room.

He sighed as he remembered the sad hours he had to spend alone. The nights he waited for Kirishima in his room. But did he ever show up? No. Kirishima had never visited Kaminari's room, but the reasons remained unknown. Today was another night like that. Maybe Kaminari was secretly still waiting for Kirishima to come to him. Will he show up, he asked himself, hearing a sparkle in the background. He was pulled from the depths of his thoughts, sat up and stared out at the open terrace that lay slightly behind him. He almost gave up because he couldn't find the reason for the sparkling, but in the next second his golden yellow eyes saw something.

A shooting star. The words his mother had once told him when he was younger echoed in his head. He remembered her telling him that if you wish for something with all your heart, shooting stars can grant wishes. And so Kaminari decided. Suddenly he jumped up, stumbled to the terrace and sat on the wooden floor before staring at the sky again. Less than ten minutes later, his eyes reflected the oh-so-sparkling light of the shooting star that had just fallen from the sky. He closed his eyes, folded his hands and spoke his deepest wish from the bottom of his heart.

»Please, dearest shooting star, let me spend time with Kirishima again...« Kaminari requested as politely as he could before opening his eyes again and looking pleadingly at the sky.

Maybe wishes can come true. The next moment Kirishima was in the room too. He had just entered the room and saw the beautiful Kaminari sitting on the terrace in his yukata. Kirishima also saw the many stars and moonlight around Kaminari because they made him shine. And so Kirishima was distracted from his actual purpose. Finally, he just wanted to get a new bottle of water from his bag, but he found Kaminari in this room. Half paralyzed by the image that presented itself to him, he took a step or two into the room, but when Kaminari threatened to turn around, Kirishima quickly disappeared into the sliding closet. Was he lucky that Kaminari isn't such a quick-witted person, because in the end he didn't hear him. But once again Kaminari was torn from his thoughts, his flow of thoughts about his wish was interrupted and so he found himself bored again, as before. So he strolled through the large room again.


A certain amount of time has now passed. At some point, Kaminari decided to lie down on his futon and stare at the ceiling, and sure enough, he's still lying there, motionless. An awkward silence filled the room as Kirishima was still in the closet. However, he realized he couldn't stay there all night or wait for Kaminari to fall asleep, so after a few minutes Kirishima cleared his throat and stepped out of the closet. Now hearing from Kirishima's actions that he was also in the room, Kaminari quickly sat up and suddenly blushed. His thoughts were circling. How long had Kirishima been in the room? What did he notice? Hopefully not his oh-so-embarrassing wish? But no matter what thoughts Kaminari had, he didn't ask any of these questions as Kirishima gradually moved closer and closer to him, finally crouching down next to him.

»I'm sorry... I was just going to get something to drink, but I suddenly panicked when I heard you in the room. Because... whenever I see you, my heart races like crazy and I don't know what to do...« Kirishima tried to explain something completely unnecessary to himself.

But Kaminari didn't react because Kirishima's words finally left him speechless. How is Kaminari supposed to respond to that? In the end, he simply pulled his legs towards him and buried his head in them before quietly asking him if that was really true. Of course, Kirishima answered this question in the affirmative, seeing no reason to look for an excuse for his statement. This caused Kaminari to secretly smile before the second party began speaking again.

»After all, you are the love of my life,« Kirishima smiled openly at him and instinctively patted his head lightly.

Kaminari suddenly looked up at him and wanted to ask him again if that was really the truth, but that proved unnecessary because Kirishima's genuine smile showed how much he really loved him and that he was more than serious about all his words said. Of course, both parties' eyes met while the other got lost in it. They slowly got closer to each other, their eyelids closed and their lips parted gently before they kissed. A kiss between lovers.


A few minutes before midnight, the two of them were lying arm in arm on Kaminari's futon, both staring at the wooden ceiling. Through a detailed conversation after the emotional kiss, the misunderstandings of the past could be clarified. The reason why Kirishima didn't show up at Kaminari's room in the last few nights was an annoying guy who kept visiting him uninvited. He didn't want to involve Kaminari or burden him with it, so he kept his distance for the time being, so they just lost touch from time to time. Nobody knew how to talk to each other and so the relationship was half forgotten.

But now everything is going well again. They talked, found each other again, renewed their love, cleared up the misunderstandings, had an official relationship again and tomorrow there was also a class trip to the big terrarium. But right now it's just the two of them. They spent the last few minutes before midnight before their classmates would join them. And what are the two of them doing as they lie arm in arm? Nothing. They just smile happily to themselves, cuddle up to each other in the now cool summer night and slowly but surely fall asleep. My only wish has probably come true after all, Kaminari thought the latter.

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