TodoBaku: Our Child

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»Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugou...«


When a certain student, in this case Katsuki Bakugou, entered the U.A. building for the first time, a feeling of hopelessness overcame him. 'cause at the opening ceremony he had to look into the oh-so-green eyes of his former classmate. At first he was reassured that he could finally close this chapter of his life, but that apparently wasn't the case. Even his last hopes were shattered when he heard that he, of all people, would also be a student at U.A. Then, on the first official day of school, his world broke in two again. He knew he didn't have one and never would have anyone by his side. It was just him and that alone. He fights. He has to be strong because no one else is strong for Katsuki Bakugou. The green-eyed Izuku Midoriya, on the other hand, found friends who immediately supported him. Together they were strong. Some students were recommended to the U.A. They in turn had to pass their own exam to be accepted there. One of these students was named Shoto Todoroki. The first time they and Katsuki met, Bakugou's eyes flashed once. Of course he knew him.

The famous youngest son of the second best hero. Katsuki was jealous, wanting to strut on him, compete with him and prove that he was stronger than Todoroki. However, he was denied this. Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya hit it off immediately. This bond between these two was immensely strengthened when the sports festival at U.A. took place. However, Katsuki Bakugou now also had friends or extras who accompanied him everywhere, but he couldnt confide in them. He didn't know how to understand others, build a bond and ultimately become real friends. He didn't understand or know any of this, how to make friends and build on them. But Katsuki Bakugou was strong himself. This was also heard by the LoV. And so it happened that he was kidnapped by them. All the teachers and students panicked. Nobody could help him and nobody knew what was wrong with him. Only when All Might wanted to rush to help did people pay more attention to what was happening. Because All Might was the person who deserved all the attention. Katsuki Bakugou was therefore written off.

He wasn't found. However, All Might ended the oh-so-small reign that All For One held. At the same time, however, it ended with himself. His career. Katsuki Bakugou faded into oblivion. Only one could still remember the hero who called himself Dynamight. Shoto Todoroki. Every time he mentioned the person's name, no one knew who he was or what Todoroki was even talking about. None. Where was Katsuki Bakugou? A question that Shoto Todoroki couldn't answer.


After the now former Class 1-A graduated and everyone passed with flying colors, they decided to hold a graduation ceremony. Everyone was invited, both teachers and students. In fact, someone also thought of Katsuki Bakugou and invited him too somehow However, he also, of course, didn't appear that way either. So time passed and everyone celebrated the successful graduation. The teachers actually organized a great party and gave the students a great evening. Finally, the students were asked to come forward one by one. Everyone should share something about the years they had at the U.A. And so it happened. So they went through the class list one last time. Starting with Yuga Aoyama to Fumikage Tokoyami and finally it was Shoto Todoroki's turn. But just as he was about to begin his speech, a younger student entered the room that the graduating class was using for the ceremony.

This someone was wearing a black tuxedo with a red undershirt. This in turn was examined based on his blonde, even if the tips appeared red, pointy hair. Everything fell silent. All the students became quiet and turned to this person. But no one knew why they seemed almost familiar. The unknown person walked straight to the stand, holding a letter in the crook of his arm. You could hear this person's shoes echoing through the room as they walked down the path and came to a stop next to Todoroki. Shoto Todoroki held his breath and stepped aside a little to give the younger student space. The only answer he received, however, was a somewhat piercing, annoyed look. The person stood in front of the designated microphone and stared into the crowd. Only after what felt like a long lasting minutes did this someone start to speak.

»Which one of you is Shoto Todoroki?« he asked harshly, but also in a somehow caring voice.

The graduating class began to grumble at the voice. How much that voice resembled Katsuki Bakugou. Now everyone remembered. They once had 20 students in the class. Where was Katsuki Bakugou? Now everyone was wondering that. Shoto Todoroki suddenly got goosebumps at the voice and didn't really understand what the person in front of him was asking. It was only when he repeated it that he was almost frightened and spoke quietly.

»That would be me...« he explained uncertainly.

The person in front of him immediately turned around and looked at him... sympathetically sad, but also somehow cold. His turquoise eyes looked at Shoto Todoroki up and down and back again. He slowly pulled the paper from the crook of his arm and held it out to him. Shoto Todoroki immediately recognized what kind of letter this was. It was the invitation he wanted to give to Katsuki Bakugou... somehow... Shoto immediately became slightly angry and wanted to yell at him, but he was interrupted.

»Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugou...« The still unknown person began and ended the sentence with the announcement that he would be dead.

The crowd was shocked. Everyone froze in their seats. How could they all forget Katsuki Bakugou? How did this student end up completely forgotten? And now he's dead? The faces turned pale and a feeling of certain fear and guilt was reflected in each one. However, Shoto Todoroki was the only one who stood out from the crowd. His face was full of tears, his body was shaking terribly, and finally he collapsed to the ground, heartbroken. Was that actually the truth that this person was saying? How could he be so sure of this? Shoto Todoroki was more than just sad, he was also angry, desperate and suffering from the far too much pain he had to feel. The younger person then leaned over to the larger, adult man and placed a hand on his shoulder. Shoto Todoroki immediately looked into the person's eyes and also noticed that the person opposite was crying. For some reason he then felt the urge to take the person into his arms, which he did. The still unknown person immediately grabbed the other's suit and buried his ridiculous, tear-stained face into his shoulder.

»I'm sorry, dad... papa is dead...« said Shoto Todoroki's own child.

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