TodoBaku: The Night

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⚠️Mention Of Selfharm⚠️


That night too, he lay silently on his bed in the U.A. Dorm. and stared at the clock above his door. It was just after midnight and he was actually still awake, even though he always went to bed so early. However, he wasn't entirely sure why that was or what he was apparently thinking about. He, Katsuki Bakugou, had been doing this for some time. He always finds himself getting into this state of unresponsiveness, and that was actually the case today. When he finally realized that he was drifting back into his subconscious, he immediately jumped up. With a hiss, he angrily hit the wall, causing a picture in the next room to fall. However, this didn't seem to wake up Kirishima, who was in the named side room. Shortly afterwards, Katsuki saw the wall where slight cracks had formed and some blood was running down it. Trembling violently, he released his previously formed fist and now looked at his hand, which had split spots at the knuckles.

For normal people or just other people, the pain would be unbearable, but this is Katsuki we're talking about. He hissed, jumped up unsteadily from the bed, reached underneath and pulled out a small box that contained bandages, but also a... blade... He deliberately directed his non-bleeding hand to the bandage and wrapped the other hand properly. He grabbed the rest of the unneeded bandage back, but his eyes were still on the second item in the box. There was silence as the brief moment passed before he closed the box in annoyance and pushed it back under the bed. He didn't feel like explaining more than just a bandage on his body. Nevertheless, he remained lying on the floor and only laid his head on his bed. Later he would simply use a bucket of paint to paint over the blood that was still on the wall in his room... With this train of thought there was another silence, but it didn't last long. Because that night too, someone who had a room above him was having the time of his life. Katsuki's hands immediately shot up, trying to stop his ears from listening. But as always it didn't help.

In the room above him, Todoroki's room, there was only a futon, no bed, so the sounds carried downstairs much more clearly. So his hands on his ears weren't helping, so he gritted his teeth. He definitely didn't want to hear those moans from above. But it didn't help. Tears formed in young Bakugou's eyes. However, he didn't understand why. He doesn't understand why it hurts him so much when he hears them having sex, when he sees them kissing, or when he just hears them as a couple at school. It makes him angry, he thinks, because in reality it's a deep sadness that he can't accept. He's not feeling well, either physically or mentally, but he doesn't notice it. A great hero, a strong person is his goal and his appearance, but in reality he seems to be a broken person. Neither others nor he himself notice this state in which he has been for a long time. He needs help, but he doesn't see it as a necessity and wouldn't accept help.

Never and no one could save this young student from his inner captivity... From above he heard the sounds getting louder, heavier, faster... He closed his eyes, lowered his hands and released the bite he had before . He paused for a moment, tears in his eyes, before lifting his head from the bed and looking slightly at the ceiling. His first tear fell, his lips formed words and then he began to sing quietly. A way to get around the noise. A chance to feel something different. A way out that he had to realize. Although he was known to be good with the drums, he devoted his musical freedom more to his voice. So he sang his way through the last part and the scenario above stopped. His voice failed and the usual silence was back. Had he made it? Had he managed to sing his way through this hell? No, because those mentioned above have started a second round. His tears stopped, his voice became firmer and his body jumped up from the ground, almost controlled. It is enough.

»BE FUCKING SILENT!« Katsuki Bakugou yelled at the two in the upstairs room.

There had been many nights like this, but he had never said anything. He never tried to stop them. But today? Today he yelled across the floor at both of them. He didn't understand. What was the point of that? But... the aforementioned noises stopped. Nothing could be heard anymore. Katsuki should look relieved now, but he was so restless that he couldn't feel calm at all. When a door was heard upstairs, Deku seemed to have left Todoroki's room. This made Katsuki jump slightly before he inexplicably fell to the ground. His knees, with which he was now more or less sitting on the floor, hurt, but he wasn't aware of it. The pain he felt was deeper, deeper than he ever thought he could feel. So his aching hand reached his heart, where he grabbed his shirt and put his teeth back together.

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