DekuKami: My Husband

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⚠️Yandere Deku AU⚠️


Sunday morning, but Kaminari was still sleeping peacefully. And although his mother often tried to get him out of bed, she always failed miserably. However, she ultimately had to go to work and had to let go of her son. He, in turn, woke up late in the evening because, as usual, he had stayed up all night. The young student immediately felt hungry in his stomach because he had slept for hours. So he rolled off the bed and lay on the floor for a moment. After groaning slightly in annoyance when he realized he didn't want to get up, he grabbed onto the floor and pulled himself across the carpets all the way down to the kitchen. However, there he realized that he had to get up to eat something, and since he didn't want to do that, he decided to turn around and go back upstairs to his room. So now he had traveled a path from top to bottom and vice versa without actually doing anything. In the end, Kaminari was well rested, but at the same time completely tired. So what else can he do but go back to sleep?

So it happened that Denki went back to bed, lay down and tried to sleep. There was school tomorrow and, as always, he was really looking forward to it. In fact, he fell asleep after a very short time, although this was unlikely for the young student. What was also unlikely was the fact that he was sleeping at home when there was a dormitory for all students... A simple reason for this is that he simply wanted to visit his family again, even if they were almost exclusively at work.


The next morning finally came and strangely enough, Kaminari had woken up early enough. He got ready, made breakfast for his mother and himself, ate it, and then went to school. Once there, he stumbled into the classroom and walked to his seat, almost laughing. He immediately hung his bag to the side and only then looked around the room. There were already a lot of people there, even if they still had a few minutes to spare. His golden yellow eyes flashed as he heard the familiar Bakusquad. And so he strutted towards them with a joyful "Pikachu smile", sharing his joyful mood with some conversation and all the while hugging Kirishima and the others from behind... Izuku Midoriya, who was standing a little further back in the room next to Todoroki, noticed the first mentioned hug. He immediately felt a pang, but deliberately smiled it away.


Later the same day, medals were awarded for a ridiculous exercise. In theory, one of them should have belonged to Katsuki Bakugou, but he didn't want to accept it for a ridiculous exercise he won. And so it happened that this was given to Kirishima. The reason for this was Kirishima's constant staring, otherwise Bakugou definitely wouldn't have thrown it at him.


And finally, after a while, night fell over U.A. and thus throughout Japan. Everyone was sleeping. Dekusquad and Bakusquad lay quietly in their beds... Only one, one, seemed to still be awake. He crept through the halls of the dorm. His robes: hoodie, gloves, mask and other things to carry out what he had planned undetected and inexplicably. He deliberately made his way to Kirishima's room. Once there, he knelt down briefly, put down his backpack and dug out a hair clip so that he could open the lock unnoticed. Then he swung his backpack back onto his back and started working on the lock. He managed to open it silently - he could even have done it with his left hand - went in and locked the door behind him again.

He heard Kirishima sleeping in bed, the medal still around his neck. He immediately stepped closer and very slowly grabbed the medal belt before immediately pulling on it. Of course, Kirishima woke up, panicked and tried to free himself just as panicked, but he couldn't. He had just woken up, so he had no strength left and could no longer utter a word or sound due to the lack of air. And so it happened that after a few minutes he died from lack of air. The person who did this withdrew, making it seem as if the old children's tale was responsible for the death. You should never go to bed with chains or something like that around your neck and now you might actually believe that. The boy stepped back to the door, walked through it, and locked it behind him again before heading back to his own room.

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