Coach: "Nat don't let that last minute winning goal get to your head kid, you have potential!!"

I smile & grin walking out, it's hard to believe I was able to get that last minute goal. I won that game for my Abuelita & I fucking did it.

Bailey: "You ready!?"

Natalie: "Hella ya did you bring my suitcase?"

Bailey: "I did yep got it with me in the car like i said I would.."

Natalie: "Okay let's go to the airport, my flight is in 2 hours."

Bailey: "Don't worry I got you girl best friend right here for a reason and I'm with you all the way." Smiles.

I hurry to the car & get on. No way I was missing this flight home. Abuelita needed me. Let's just hope or even see if Faith actually goes home too.


Natalie: "This wasn't what I thought when you said you were with me all the way." I say sarcastically.

Bailey: "I wasn't going to leave you alone and school is almost over anyways, it's a great chance to meet your family & sister…praying that your Abuelita is okay too."

Natalie: "Ya me too & my sister, who knows if she's going to show up or even if she picked up my mom's calls." I sigh.

I sit back & look out the window as we take off a one round trip to home & school. This wasn't how I thought I would go back home. Seriously, school board attendance must hate my ass. Hey I am studying when I leave, not like I'm missing that many classes.

(Faith pov)


Faith's thoughts: "She's dead because of you, why did you let her die!!!…you didn't just take her, you stole her…por tu culpa ella esta muerta, deberías estar orgulloso de eso no?" That's all I could here in the back of my mind playing over & over.

A nightmare of thoughts & moments that won't happen or I think they won't. I'm trying my best to drown out the thoughts but it does not work, nothing has.

Lost in my thoughts someone taps my shoulder making me freak almost wanting to punch them turning around. I am not aware of my emotions.

Faith: "Don't you dare sneak up on me like that!! You scared the freak out of me, I was almost about to punch you!!"

Courtney: "You were going to do what!?"

Faith: "What do you want? I'm a little busy right now." That was a lie.

Courtney: "Didn't seem like it, you were sitting around moping, someone is worried about you asking me to go looking for & had to ask Owen just to find you here."

Faith: "Well I'm fine peachy as ever just grabbing some stage equipment before the concert, she doesn't need to worry."

Courtney: "Well she is & you better tell her yourself."

Faith: "I said I'm fine, tell her I'm busy."

I say that reaching for a box on the high shelf. I don't realize how heavy it is and almost drop it.

Courtney: "Shit!! Hey, you need help."

Faith: "No I got this." Didn't want her help, I just needed some alone time. "I'm good thanks though."

What I didn't know was that there was loose equipment on the same shelf. I backed up to get out only to bump the shelf & drop that thing on my foot hurting like a bitch. I dropped the box only, for it to land the same foot.

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