A Deadly Encounter

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV THREE DAYS after last chapter-

I stand at the portal to Demacia with Lux and Garren. I growl in annoyance as my tails flick with anger. "Lord Grey?" Lux says softly and I look down at her.

"Please do not call me Lord." I tell her and she shakes her head with a smile.

"It's out of respect." She says and I sigh before smiling at her. I motion for her to continue her thoughts and she looks up at me. "Is something bothering you?" She asks and I sigh.

"Yes and no. This is a very important meeting and Ishtar is late. She's never late." I growl and cross my arms. Suddenly I hear Ishtar giggling as Omega chuckles softly.

"Good morning Brother." Ishtar says and I frown at her.

"It is the afternoon." I say seriously and both of them quickly look at a watch.

"Oh my God! Grey I'm so sorry!" Ishtar quickly says and I frown. I raise my hand to silence her and Omega.

"I don't know what's gotten into you. But you've neglected helping me train the kids, you've skipped out on training with me, and you've missed your check up." I say with disappointment. "I always thought I'd never have to be upset with you, but I am right now." I tell her and she looks down.

"Bro relax." Omega says and I send him a slight glare. He gets on edge as Ishtar's tails drop to the ground.

"Relax? She's neglected her duties and even her own health. Not to mention this meeting is to find out who those imposters were." I say and Ishtar snaps her head up. I could see tears and pure anger in her eyes as she clutches her fists tightly.

"Fuck you! You think you can control me?! Well too fucking bad! You're the only one who really cares about those people!" She yells and I frown at her words.

"You don't care about finding out who attacked the village?" I ask seriously and she growls.

"Yes! But why must you be a fucking dick today?!" She asks and I glare even harder at her.

"I'm trying to protect you!" I yell at her and she gets in my face.

"I don't need your protection! I don't need your help! I don't need you checking on me all the fucking time! Above all else I don't need YOU! I hate you." She finishes and my eyes widen as her words cut me like a knife. I say nothing and begin walking through the portal.

"Stay here." Is all I tell the two of them as Garren, Lux, and I walk through the portal.

"Grey?" Lux says softly and I look at her.

"I'm fine." I say softly as we walk through their kingdom. As we walk many people are talking and laughing. Some even come up to greet us with smiles. I return the gesture and they compliment my tails and ears. It isn't long before we come up to a huge castle. We are escorted to a large room with the King and Queen of Demacia. I walk up and kneel before them. "Your Majesties. Thank you for having an audience with me." I say respectfully and they both laugh.

"Rise young Lord. You are a leader in our eyes." The King says and I rise to my feet. "We thought your sister and Guardians were coming with you?" He asks and I frown.

"Two guardians are still out on a mission." I say and then frown. "As for my sister and Last Guardian. They had better things to do." I say and they nod.

"I wish them luck and protection with whatever they are doing." He says and I smile.

"Thank you Sir." I say and he nods.

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