Forest Guardian

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I do not own Lol, any pictures, or anything referenced.

Soldier POV-

"I can't believe the High Summoner's have us going through these damn woods." My buddy says using his sword to chop up vegetation.

"Something to do with that damn Academy. Apparently they want to expand so families can visit the students throughout the year." I tell him and he scoffs.

"Enough chatter boys! Do you think Captain Darius would like to hear this?" Our sergeant says and we groan.

"No sir!" All six of us say and continue to cut away at the vegetation. After a while it gets extremely dark, to the point we can barely see the trees.

"When did it become night time?" Someone asks and I look up to not even see a moon.

"This isn't natural." I say and draw my sword out. The others pull out their weapons as we circle up.

"Leave." A male voice says through the darkness.

"We are the hand picked champions of Darius! The Hand of Noxus!" Our sergeant yells.

"You all are trespassing on Sacred Grounds. Leave! NOW!" The voice demands.

"Never!" We all yell and watch as half a mask appears. The red eye brought fear deep into my heart.

 The red eye brought fear deep into my heart

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(Yes it's the sharingan.)

"Then your corpses will feed the goddess." He says before slipping slowly into the darkness. Suddenly everything returns to normal and we cover our eyes from the suns beams.

"Guess he was scared of our Noxian might huh Sergeant?" I ask and turn to see him holding his neck. Before anything could be said he falls to his knees, and his head rolls to my feet. We quickly look up to see the masked man from before.

(Has the mask from before along with nine fix tails, and ears

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(Has the mask from before along with nine fix tails, and ears.)


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