Red Tears on The Mountain

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

Kai'sa and I follow this bandit as he begins writing on a paper. Using my eyes I can tell he's taking notes on the village. He suddenly turns and we both hide as he goes back to the house. He knocks on the door three times, and the man from before answers it.

"What's he saying?" Kai'sa asks and I frown.

"They're planning an all out attack on the village, capture the women, kill the men, and children." I growl as they shut the door. "Kai'sa. Go grab everyone else while I deal with this man." I tell her and she nods before shifting away. I sneak up to the house and knock on the door.

"Hello?" The man asks and I kick him violently against the wall. The bandit from before jumps in shock, and before he could react I sent a bolt of lightning through his heart. "What the hell?!" The man asks as his friend drops dead. I turn and grab his throat tightly as I pull him into my dimension.

-Pocket Dimension -

"W-Where am I?!" He asks in fear and I walk out of the shadows.

"This is MY world you disgrace of a man." I say as chains wrapped around his body. As they squeeze and pull him slowly he screams in pain.

"Stop!" He begs loudly and I smirk.

"But you were planning on sneaking bandits into this town. Where is the mercy there?" I ask him calmly.

"Because these people are weak! I've been trying to get my Dad to toughen them up! But he doesn't listen!" He yells and I glare at him.

"Where are those girls?" I ask as the chains pull harder.

"It's too late for them!!! But the tunnel to our fort is in the kitchen! Underneath the table!" He screams in agony and I release him.

-Real world-

As he gasps in pain I draw my blade and put it to his throat. "You are going to turn yourself in, and if I find out you lied." I say and look into his eyes. "I will induce so much pain it'll overload your nerves, giving you the slowest, and most excruciatingly painful death ever." I tell her and he nods so fast I thought his head would snap. I shove him out of the door as my group shows up.

"Grey. Why would you hide this investigation from us?" Leona asks and I look at her.

"I didn't know if I could actually trust you two. I've sparred with Riven and Kai'sa, so I have more trust in them" I tell them and they nod slowly.

"Okay Grey. Maybe we can spar at some point to build trust." Kassadin says and I nod. I show them the tunnel they nod and we all jump in. I lead the charge as I sprint ahead, Kai'sa, and Riven are right behind me.

"Kassadin. I want you and Leona to grab and protect the girls. Kai'sa and Riven are with me." I say and they nod slightly. As we exit the tunnel I see the fort isn't too far away. "Launching you two now." I say and slam my hands down. Rock pillars launch Kassadin and Leona onto the wall. I wait a few minutes before going through my handsigns. I blow out a massive fire ball that destroys the gate. Kai'sa and Riven get ready to support me as we run in.

"We're under attack!" A man yells before he's blasted away by Kai'sas cannons. Riven slams her sword down and it launches people back. I draw my blade and begin cutting through bandits. I easily dodge and redirect their attacks as I duck to let Riven kill a few. I punched the ground and a few spikes impaled a group of bandits. I look back to see Kai'sa was ambushed by a man with a large hammer.

"Kai'sa!" Riven yells and I quickly go through my handsigns. I close my eyes and open them to see I have switched places with Kai'sa. I raise my blade and get launched back before rolling to a stop. I reach up to check on my mask and feel that it's gone. I breathe in fear as memories rush back to my mind, suddenly my mask is handed to me.

"Here. Don't worry we didn't look." Kai'sa says and I put my mask back on. As I fix it to my face I can feel chips and cracks along the porcelain. "Thank you." She says and I nod as I see Riven cutting the man in two.

"Don't mention it. We are friends right?" I ask her and she chuckles.

"Of course. Does that mean we are a part of your pack?" She asks and I smile before nodding.

"Yes. You and your friends." I say softly and she smiles.

"They're your friends too." She says and I smile as I chuckle. We rejoin Riven as we find Kassadin and Leona. I see the captured girls and I frown slightly.

"They've been begging for...things." Kassadin says and I nod. I walk up to the girls and I see their broken eyes. I place a tail over their heads, then to their stomachs.

"They aren't pregnant. First I'll fix their bodies as best as I can." I say as my tails glow a vibrant green. A small purple liquid exits their mouths and I sigh softly. "Now the hard part." I say and look into one of the girls eyes. "Make sure not to disturb me as I do this." I say and they all nod. I pull the girl into my Pocket Dimension.

-Pocket Dimension-

I look around at her shattered psyche before seeing her sobbing hysterically. I calmly walk up to her and she looks up at me. "Please just kill me!" She begs loudly and I frown.

"I'm here to help. Now go to sleep." I say and her eyes roll back into her head. I begin searching through every good memory and bleed them into the bad ones. I then begin erasing her entire experience with the bandits, instead I trick her memories to believe they were helping a group of Centaurs gather food and water. I triple checked to make sure I didn't forget anything. I snap my fingers and her psyche completely mends.

"Grey?" Kai'sa says in concern as I look down and see blood dripping onto the ground.

"I'm fine." I say tiredly and do it to the other girls. I stand up shakily and turn to Riven and Kai'sa. "That just takes a lot out of me." I say and take a step before passing out.

-Kassadin POV-

I watch as Riven catches Grey and picks him up like a princess. We decided to send Leona to grab some helpers from the village, and Kai'sa ordered a pick up for us. I pat Grey's head as he sleeps and recovers  "You did good kid." I say and watch as a few tails wag slightly.

"Do you know what he did Dad?" Kai'sa asks and I shake my head.

"Not a clue Kai'sa. But whatever he did is something only he can do with those eyes." I say and she nods.

-??? POV-

A low growl could be heard from a cell door. All of a sudden the door shakes violently as a guard brings a bloody steak and some blood in a glass. As he opened the tray slot hands shot out and grabbed him. The woman tried to pull him inside but we were able to save him. "More Blood!" She screams and we quickly shut the slot.

"We need to find another Gem or she'll break free and kill us all." The guard says and I nod in agreement. Suddenly she begins to laugh behind the door and looks through the food slot.

"You can't escape me forever." She says lowly as her pale eyes shine in the darkened room. But then they were quickly gone as she laughed maniacally.

-There we have it everyone! So Grey and the group were able to take out the bandits. Grey also reveals how he is able to trust Kai'sa and Riven a little more than Kassadin and Leona. Grey also revealed a major power of Hachiman's eyes. But every time he does it he bleeds from his eyes. Grey also shows his personal spell where he swaps places with someone. Kai'sa and Riven make sure to keep his trust by not looking at his face. How will that affect his relationship with everyone? Who is the woman in the cell? Next time everyone will be back at the Academy, but with some downtime. Who's going to take Grey out first? Let me know who you all think it will be. Till next time everyone! Love you all.-

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