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The pranks Peter pulled didn't cause too much long term. Scott's blue skin they reversed the next day, though Clint kept begging Peter for the recipe. They all signed a contract, a sort of League of Nations esque pact. Except this time around was unanimous peace with Peter, making him unprankable lest they suffer his, Pepper's, and May's wrath. Should anyone prank Peter, he had free reign to prank back and every other avenger was on Peter's side.

He was Menelaus, The Avengers were Greece, and whoever that unfortunate prankster turned out to be would be Troy.

Sam's hair wasn't too badly burnt so that was alright for him, but Clint's was gone, so he had to get a buzz cut to match his valley. He didn't hate it, said it made his head sweat less. However their silliness was on full blast online, them taking over the meme scene for the rest of the year. Clint set up a clothing trend, Stucky was trending, Strippers started popping up with Tony's outfit from that day.

The ramifications, they were as vast as they were embarrassing. But for some at least, they also brought benefits. For once Clint was trending above most avengers, only beaten by Steve and Bucky due to 'Stucky', but he didn't mind then cause he probably was half the reason Stucky stayed trending. Gave him the attention he wanted.

For Nat, she also started her own trend: Pink/ colourful haircuts while looking deadly and fierce. Pink hair black widow became a common trend on tiktok, people talking about their best revenge stories while dressed that way. And Pietro and Wanda got to enjoy the discord with minimal blowback, so they had fun.

Finally Peter became popular in the tower. With how many employees were involved setting up the field trip, and how many saw the Avengers... outfits, gossip spread like a wildfire. Then when Tony singled Peter out in the Q&A, every intern present heard too, and the news made it around the tower before Peter's class could make it out.

Now every time Peter arrived through the front door he got high fives, smiles and greetings from everyone. People even insisting he had to join them in the lower labs and tell them more about the avengers.

As for a makeup Fieldtrip, the "Queen's" under advisement from Peter planned a weekend sleepover stay at Midtown. Tony organised with Morita to let them use the school. Steve and Bucky basically brought over a kitchen for breakfasts and dinners, Lunches otherwise covered by Tony's takeout.

The makeup trip for all 60 sophomores turning juniors started Friday afternoon and ended Monday morning, the days covered by Avengers based and centred activities. And to great surprise to the avengers, they enjoyed it more than they thought.

Peter's friends had been invited to the tower a lot more, some avengers grown curious and impressed by them. And speaking of growing closer, Tony and Peter. Meant the adult slowly crept through summer from 'Uncle Tony', to 'Dad'.

Seriously tho, no one fucking messed with Peter again. He pulled all that shit off while semi-sleep deprived with a single night of planning when not holding back, you'd have to be batshit crazy to give him another chance!

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