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The third element on Tony's Fieldtrip plan, which Peter readily hacked and had out on his phone, lead them to a conference room in the upper floors. As always, Lotte's Stark-pad acted up at the tail end of their time at the gym, 'redirecting them' very 'last minute' up there.

This time around was a more informational lecture and Q&A about SI's involvement with the government. To the average person this might be the most boring part of the Fieldtrip but for Tony? It might be one of the things he's most proud of.

It's the only part of their schedule that's in every tour. Tony's proud of his newer stance, of letting people know of SI's transparency with global governments and their no longer supplying weapons to the military. Also makes this the most controversial station but he doesn't care.

What does deiviate from the norm of this station is that instead of lower level interns or employees giving the lecture, its 2 Avengers today: Rhodey and Sam. Lotte introduced what was happening, who was behind the door, but even though they'd seen Scott, Bucky and Steve before, they still weren't prepared for what was on the other side. Their laughter breaking out when they saw it.

Rhodey seemed fine, only noticeable thing they could see was a small heart stamped on his cheek, slightly fuzzy since he tried to clean it off.

*Rhodey's room*

He woke up slowly, early. There was some shuffling in his room and a tickle on his face that stirred him awake. Leaning up on the bed, the source of the noice made itself clear: Peter. "Morning Uncle Rhodey", He says from Rhodey's reading chair, on his phone. Rhodey's curious, "good morning Peter, what's up?", he asks rubbing his eyes. "Shouldn't you be in school?".

"It's only 5:45 am, I've got time", he muses, his voice more pleased, more malicious than normal. He stands and walks to Rhodey's bed, "and I had one more thing to do", he webs his hands down to the bed. "Peter!", Rhodey calls in shock, "what are you doing?". The kid doesn't react, kneeling next to Rhodey with a small red ink stamp in his hands. It's a heart, which he presses hard into Rhodey's left cheek.

He stands back looking over his work, "can we agree that if I wanted to, I could mess with you? Hard". Rhodey nods. "And can we agree that I could leave you here like this?". It shoots a little bit of fear in Rhodey, who once again nods.

"But I won't".

Sliding a small bottle of his web solvent from a belt, he leans into the webbing, the liquid on the edge of the bottle, begging to come out. Peter looks at Rhodey intimidatingly, "do promise not to mess with my plans?".

Rhodey nods, "sure, deal". Peter takes him at his word, dumping half the small bottle on each hand worth of webbing. After that's done Peter smiles and walks for the door, "have a great day Uncle Rhodey!", he waves. "Don't worry if the rest aren't around, just let them sleep in".

After that comment Peter disappeared into the hallway, and Rhodey could only guess what he meant.


He only realised now what Peter meant, and he was thankful all he had was a cute little stamp on his face.

Sam was stood next to him, and he looked... worse. Unlike Steve, Scott and Bucky, he had control over his outfit. That was all tho.

See, Sam is an unfortunately deep sleeper now, so that proved his downfall.


He woke up with an itch on his nose, he tried scratching it but his hand just wouldn't budge up.

He's trapped. He opened his eyes and tried to shake off to no effect, he struggled for a minute before dropping back into the bed. That's when he notices why his nose was itchy.

All is Fair in War and Field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now