Queen's Gambit

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They made it to the cafeteria early, running through the line. Peter finished in record time having been there before, recommending stuff to Ned and MJ to finish quickly. "FRI, can you charge their meals to my account?", he whispers into the till before his friends made it there, the automatic cashier dinging them through without asking for payment.

Luckily, no one else saw.

Peter took them to the side of the cafeteria to eat, wanting the isolation and distance from his classmates. Now that they've got a moment of respite, their awestruck eyes started getting to him. "You do know they're not gonna stop staring, right?", MJ reminds.

He groans, "I knowww, but at least now we're all suffering instead of just me", he replies digging into his first of 3 burgers. MJ lifts up her sketchbook to the two, "hey I'm not minding. Got plenty of prime celebrity crises", she smirks flipping through maybe 20 different sketches of the avengers.

Scott got 2, one him on the floor mad, the second of when Peter was carrying him. Rhodey got one, just for completion, while Sam took 3; two pouting, and one with redwing.

Steve and Bucky got 3, one of each and one together. The latter of which was MJ joining Peter's "Stucky" wagon. Nat got 2, showcasing her fabulous everything and the rest were Clint's in different forms of suffering and from different angles. MJ swiped the book back once she was done, starting on number 21.

"Oh Pete! The Avengers are going viral!", Ned laughs scrolling through his phone, sharing 1 post with Peter. He turned his own on, And from there came hundreds upon hundreds of others. Stucky Shipping posts. Bucky material gurl posts and people splicing his face onto Ken, some of those even had Steve as Barbie. Nat was being joked about with Princess Bubblegum, and Sam was going insanely viral with the chicken dance and somehow students got small clips of redwing and Sam — thankfully not including Peter — that we're being gif-Ed to hell.

Finally Clint. Oh he was the crown jewel of the set. He was being spliced, edited or swapped into over half of every meme ever made. Even online there were people actively cosplaying as the Clintsaster. Somehow, he'd started a trend. The trio kept laughing at the mass of posts online about the avengers, Peter admittedly feeling a little guilty but relaxing once Ned and MJ read him dozens of positive comments. "Hey Parker?", MJ asks curious, ready with her sketchbook, "when did you say the next losers were gonna show up?".

He checks his phone's clock, the timers he'd set up for everyone. "Perfect timing! In about 10 secon-", he's interrupted by a bang. Sparkles and lightning of blue and silver surrounding the entire room. They were here, and Peter was glad he'd finished eating. Even with Pietro's super speed, Peter could sense it coming, jumping out of the way before a smoothie splashed right over where he sat. "Nice try Speedy! How was Westeros?". They hear a growing war cry from all around the room, "hooowww dddaaarreeee yyyyooouuuu!", he shouts as he tornadoes them in.

Pietro then stops in a heartbeat right in front of Peter, noticeably shoeless. "I was in season 5! How dare you spoil it for me!".

*Pietro's Room. Friday morning*.

Like everyone else, he was stuck to the bed. He tried to speed up and melt the web but it did nothing. His note was similarly passive aggressive, explaining the solvent, the punishment and some of the extra pranks.

Peter stole the right shoe of half his pairs, and the left shoe of the other half. He also pasted sticky globs of web to the bottom of the remaining shoes. It'd slow Pietro enough to make him normal.

Second he wrote "The lesser twin", with sharpie on his forehead, then two of 'The Flash's' insignias on his cheeks. Last of all, his TV turned on, Netflix, Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1. Pietro had only been up to season 5, he'd been avoiding spoilers so he could finish at his own pace. But not only did Peter choose to spoil the final season for him, but he had it playing at 0.25 speed, an even greater torment for a speedster and speed-thinker.

He didn't stop yelling all morning.


"And on 0.25 speed! Do you know how slow that is for me!?", Pietro whines. Peter nods, and smiles apologetically, "I'm sorry, but was it trash?", he tries to redirect Pietro's anger. The speedster spits and sputters before replying, "so fucking trash!". He rolls his eyes sitting down, "please tell me whoever made that got fired", he grumbles. "I got bad news for you then", MJ replies smirking, busy drawing that initial face he gave Peter.

He whines. Peter pats his shoulder, trying to comfort him, "I know that sucks, but... I have something that might make you feel better". Pietro's interested at the proposition, nodding speedily. "Watch this", Peter passes him his phone, first showing Pietro footage of Clint's room that morning.

The permanent scowl on his face quickly flipped into a wide and bright evil grin, "ohh, oh this is excellent". Ned nods, "then you've gotta see the memes", he comments turning his phone. Pietro swipes it and speed scrolls through 300 posts in 20 seconds. "Today is my favourite day!".

Then MJ coughs, "right!", Peter jumps in reaction. "Pietro, this is Ned and MJ, my best friend and girlfriend". Pietro introduces himself, high-fiving both and insisting they tell him everything about the day.

10 minutes later Wanda walks down, through and up to them. "Hey Peter, brought you some lunch", she tosses him a brown bag with left overs. Pietro looks confused at her, "hey! Why aren't you more messed up?", he whines.

"She's a telepath and a telekinetic, I wasn't about to mess with that", Peter shivers, "so I just webbed her left hand to the bed and left the remote in her hand". Wanda nods, smiles and sits next to 'the lesser twin', "right, and I loved looking through the live camera footage, you're evil Peter", she compliments. "Thanks for the scheduled times".

Pietro just moped at his sister being spared, even If he couldn't disagree. Though then Wanda asks a question that excites him, "Though I didn't see anything for Tony, what did you do?". Blushing, Peter deflects, "ohh... nothing", he squeaks. Everyone at the table knew damn well this meant Peter was screwed. "Though he should've been released with you", he points at Pietro, "so he's somewhere around".

The 3 teens and 2 21 year olds talk the rest of lunch hour, Wanda and Pietro leaving early for their last session of the day. "Where did they have to go?", Ned asks the question they were both having, MJ nodding with him. Peter gulps, "there's a Q&A for us now, with all the Avengers".

"You might've had them in check Parker", MJ comments standing up, "but I think that's checkmate on you". Oh so screwed. Lotte gathers everyone and takes them downstairs to a conference. Mr Harrington pulls Peter away before they can walk into the press room. "Look Peter, I've let it slide all day, but you've simply been bothering too many Avengers today.

I've even heard rumours you're the reason they've all been... unprepared and if that's the case there will be serious consequences when we get back to Midtown", he scolds. "You've also got a month's detention for snapping back at a couple avengers, that's unacceptable".

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Peter panics. Fortunately he had planned for this. He lets Harrington enter the room first, sneaking to the walls next to him where FRIDAY's sensors were. "Friday, move the Queens to G4. Please".

He waits for confirmation before walking into Conference/Press Room G04.

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