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"I can't believe you let that ugly cashier flirt with you." The woman snaps as she slams her red purse on the couch.

The couple just got back from grocery shopping and things have been heated ever since they left the store.

"She wasn't flirting with me." The man grumbles as he took his coat off.

The woman walks angrily to the fridge and pulls out a water bottle. "You're such a liar."

The man walks over to the kitchen and sits down on one of the counter stools. "You're taking this too far. All she did was compliment my hair. That's all."

The woman rolls her eyes and takes a sip from the water bottle. "And you were smiling and blushing at her compliment while your pregnant wife was standing there awkwardly waiting to leave that damn store!"

The man sighs and heads inside their bedroom.

"Are you seriously walking away from me?" His wife screams.

She storms inside the bedroom with eyes shooting daggers at him. "We're not through with this conversation."

The man ignored her statement. "You should rest. It's not good for you to be all stressed out while you're carrying my child."

His wife didn't like that comment. "Excuse me? Your child? Are you the one carrying this baby?  Are you the one having fucking morning sickness almost every day? Are you the one who looks as big as a damn whale?"

The man rubs his temples. The woman's screaming was starting to give him a migraine.

"Can you please keep it down? We have neighbors upstairs you know."

The woman begins to cry. "You just don't fucking care anymore do you?" She then walks out of the bedroom and slams the door.

The man sighs. He didn't know what to do. Ever since his wife became pregnant during their honeymoon their marriage started to become unbearable.

The man hoped this was just the side effect of her pregnancy hormones, not just her.

He walked out of their bedroom and found his wife sobbing in the kitchen while she was marinating a chicken. He noticed a few of her tears landed inside the chicken breast.

He walked behind her wrapped his arms around his weeping wife. "You don't have to make dinner. I got it. Go lay down and relax." He mumbles softly.

The depressed lady shakes her head. "No, I've got it."

"Honey, you're crying into the chicken. I think you need to sit down."

The woman sighs and shrugs him off so he can release her. He does.

She walks over to the sink and begins washing her greasy hands.

"I feel like ever since I've become pregnant you've lost interest in me. We haven't slept together ever since our honeymoon. It's been five months!"

The man sighs and sits down on the stool. "I'm sorry I've just been so stressed out. I'm nervous about this baby. I don't know how to be a father. I never really had a father figure."

The woman looks over at him sympathetically. "You're going to be a great father."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know."

She finished washing her hands and sits next to him at the counter. "I love you, you know."

The man gives her a small smile. "And you know I love you too."

"And I'm sorry for overreacting at the grocery store. I just thought you were losing interest of me."

The man gives her a puzzled look. "I could never! You're my wife."

She smiles. "So you're not gonna ditch me for that stinky cashier?"

The man laughs at that. "Of course not."


The man crosses his heart. "I promise."

After the couple ate their dinner, another fight escalated.

The woman slammed the dishes in the sink almost breaking them. "I fucking hate you!" She screamed out. "My parents were right about you."

The gentleman's cheek started to blaze red. "Then why don't you move back in with them! Go on, get out of here!"

"Wow, you're really kicking your pregnant wife out to the streets? Some husband you are!" She yells and she hustled into the bathroom and slammed the door.

The man walked over to the bathroom and tried opening the door. She locked it.

He started pounding on the door. "Open the door!"

"Fuck off!" The woman retorted.

The man gives up and picks up his car keys. He wasn't going to deal with these constant arguments. He needed a breath of fresh air to clear his head.

Once he was inside his car he picked up his Nokia and dialed a number that he never expected he would call again.

"Hello?" Another woman answered.

"Claudia," The man greets. "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm well, are things okay with you? Why are you calling me all of sudden?"

"Do you wanna go out for a drink? I really need a friend right now."

"Of course," Claudia says with a hint of worry in her voice. "Where should I meet you?"

"Sam's Bar." It was the same bar where he met his wife.

"Okay, I'll see you there." Claudia tells him.

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