3|Newly Weds

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"Can we stop at McDonald's? I'm getting hungry."

The man looks over at his wife. "But we just ate?"

"Well I'm hungry again."

The man chuckles and looks over at the taxi driver. "Can you take us to the nearest McDonald's? Change of plans, I'm sorry."

The taxi driver smiles at them from his rear mirror. "Not a problem."

"Thank you." The man tells him linking his hand into his wife's soft hand. "You're lucky I love you."

The woman lays her head onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry my appetite has been off ever since yesterday. I don't usually eat McDonald's so I don't know why I suddenly want it."

The man laughs. "Don't worry about it. We're on our honeymoon in France. We can go eat wherever you'd like."

The woman smiles and kisses his cheek. "You're the best."

The couple's wedding was a happy and beautiful time. The woman's parents paid for everything since her father is the chief development officer (CDO) for a shoe corporation called Scout.

The woman wanted to marry the man at a church and for the reception she wanted it at a reserved nightclub filled with red and white roses at every table. The man agreed to all of her requests, since it was the woman's father's money. But either way, he just wanted his gorgeous fiancé to be happy. So their wedding was absolutely perfect.

They got married within a month after being engaged since the woman's father was able to make all of the arrangements due to his connections with certain people.


Once they made it to McDonald's the woman ordered a large amount of food.

She ordered one cheeseburger with extra pickles, a large fry, two mcchickens, and a large vanilla milkshake.

As she began eating she looked over at her husband who had ordered nothing. "You're not gonna eat anything?"

The husband shakes his head. "I'm already full from the steak we had from room service. I'm surprised you weren't full after that."

The lady begins dipping one of her fries with ketchup. "I'm just so hungry."

After she finished eating the woman started to feel sick. Her stomach began to churn and twist.

She held up her hand to her mouth.

The man put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you all right?"

The woman doesn't say anything and runs to the bathroom. The customers around the restaurant took a step back as she darted in-front of them.

The man hurried over to the stalls and waited for her.

After a few minutes passed the woman came back out looking sick as ever.

"Are you okay my darling?" The man asked his wife with urgency.

"I just threw up."

"Was it the food?"

The woman shakes her head. "I don't know. I just need to lie down."

"We can go back to our hotel room."


As soon as they made it back to the hotel room, the woman ran to the toilet and puked again.

The man walked over to his wife and held her hair out of her face.

"I think you should see a doctor. I'm really concerned." The man tells her as she emptied out her stomach.

The woman slowly gets up and flushes the toilet. "I think I'm pregnant."

The gentleman's brown eyes widen. "You really think so?"

The woman nods. "Can you buy me at least two pregnancy tests? I need to lie down I really don't feel good."

The man helps her into bed. "I'll be right back with the tests." He kisses the top of her head and leaves the room.

As the woman waited for the man's return with the pregnancy tests she picked up the book from her husband's suitcase. To Kill a Mocking Bird.

Before she finished reading chapter one the door opened. Her husband rushed to the side of the bed and hands her the tests.

She thanks him and made her way back to the bathroom.

The woman peed on both of the sticks and set them upon a paper towel on the bathroom sink.

She then walked out of the bathroom to see her husband nervously waiting on the bed.

She sits next to him. "If I'm pregnant," she begins softly. "Would this be a big concern for you?"

The man looks at his wife with surprise. "Why would you ask that? I would love to have a child with you. It's just so sudden, ya know."

The wife nods and holds his hand tight. "I know. I'm scared too."

After a few minutes passed the wife decided to check on the two tests.

She came back to the bedroom and sat back down with her husband.

The wife closes her eyes and starts to breathe in and out slowly. Then she opened her eyes and looked into her husband's impatient eyes.
"I'm pregnant. The tests both read positive."

The man's heart fell, but he manages to plant a kiss on his wife's forehead. "Its going to be okay." But he felt like he was reassuring himself rather than the woman who was carrying his child.

"I want to keep it."

The man grins at her. "Then we'll keep it."

The Divorce Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora