Bailey, is that you?

She's here? I ask.

They came home two weeks ago. She says.

We all walk inside, I can't see Bella though Rose is standing directly in front of her

Bailey. I'm glad you came. She says from behind rose.

Close enough. Rose says as I try to move around her.

What's your problem? I asked pissed she won't let me see my sister.

Rose, it's okay. Bella says.

I walk over, taking a seat beside Bella.

You look terrible. I say.

Yeah, it's nice to see you, too. She says smiling.

So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?

Rose, you want to help me up? She says.

She stands up, the quilt she had falling off revealing a pregnant belly

is this even possible, I ask, turning towards Carlisle

I didn't know it was possible. He says.

What is it? Jacob asks from behind me.

I'm not certain. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac. He says.

I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore. Alice says.

We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing. Carlisle says.

Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her! Jake says.

This is none of your business, dog. Rose says.

Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella. Esme says.

The fetus isn't good for Bella.

Say the word, Alice. "Baby." It's just a little baby.

Possibly. Jasper says stepping up.

Carlisle, you got to do something. Jake says.

No. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours. Bella says.

Elodie, take the truck back to La push, I say looking at her

Guys we need to go, I tell them they nod

Bella, I'll be back soon I say hugging my sister

She nods, hugging back

Let's go guys they nod and we all walk out phasing howling for Sam

Everyone phases in and we meet

What will it be? Quill asks.

It's growing fast. Paul says.

It's unnatural. Leah says snarling.

Dangerous. Jared says.

Monstrosity. Quil says.

An abomination. Leah says.

On our land. Quil says.

We can't allow it. Jared says.

We have to protect the tribe. What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger. Sam says.

We're ready. Jared says.

No time to waste. Leah says.

Now? Jacob asks.

We must destroy it before it's born. Sam says.

His little wolf Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora