Chapter 5

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~Fleetway POV~

As much as he tried to put up a fight Fleetway was pin against the wall but broke free after he kick the exterior between the legs. He then tries to fly away but was pulled back and punches him so far to the graveyard.

"H-he too strong I can't beat him." He thought.

But then the exterior kicks his stomach so hurt he cough out blood.  It then grabs him by the throat and said.

"You're so weak for a noobie vampire you're not even strong enough." He grinned. "You know after I'm done with you, I might as well go kill your brother while I eat his guts out HAHAHAHAHA!"

"If you lay a finger on him I'll RiP yOuR HeAd OFF!" Fleetway yelled with anger but was getting choked.

"Oooh did I struck a nerve~ who gonna stop me?"

Suddenly exe super kicks the exterior to the face then hit a tree.

"GET THE FUCK OF HIM!?" He growled and help his beloved off the ground. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"A little." Fleetway answered.

"Well well well, long time so see exe." The exterior said.

"Fleetway stay behind me." Exe said trying to protect him.

"So I see you finally come out of hiding and found a new mate. What sorta of lies have you told him about our families death."

"Exe what's he talking about?" Fleetway asked with confusion.

"Go on Exe, tell him the truth." The exterior taunt. But Exe remain quiet of knowing what he has done.

"Alright then I'll do it...many years ago after our third victory of feast Exe had fell in love with someone, who looks exactly like you. He pose to propose to her with a ring but in our tradition, we must bring back the heart of the strongest beast. A difficult but fair challenge, Of course he succeeded, but it was too late. She had a heart to someone else and out of bitter anger and jealousy he poisoned our people with garlic and killed his former lover and her husband."

" this true?"

Exe took a big sigh. "Yes I kill everyone I was blinded by rage and heartbroken. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was afraid you wouldn't have interest in me anymore." Exe explained.

"Oh Exe." Fleetway said holding his hand.

"ENOUGH!" The exterior shouted. "It's time to die!"

As he said that the exterior lunges himself towards them but Exe pushes him back. They both started throwing punches and kicks with quick flash. One with exterior broke Exe arm as his bone were sticking out, Exe screams then rips the exterior ear off with his teeth. While this was happening sonic came to Fleetway's help.

After taking a few hits and clawed into each other, exe was about to get the finishing blow until the exterior strikes with a blade to the stomach. The exterior then slams him to the ground with full force.

"EXE!" Fleetway shouted as he dashes to protect the injured exe. "I won't let you kill him!" He growled.

"Fine tHeN yOu BoTh CaN DiE tOgEtHeR!" He said in a demonic voice and when was about to kill him. His chest bursted out and blood splattered all over Fleetway's face. It was Sonic with a shotgun. The exterior was frozen in shocked so Fleetway gave the fatal blow by opening his mouth wide and bite his head off.

It was all over and Fleetway and Sonic hug each other then help Exe from his injuries.

~Sonic Exe POV~

He silty open his eyes to see himself in a bed with bandages covering his body. He then hears the door open to see Fleetway carry his tray of food.

"Hey sleepy head you finally awake." He said smiling.

"Awww thanks sweetie~." Exe said.

"I love you exe~"

"Yeah yeah I love you too Fleet~"

And in the end Fleetway proposed to Exe and got married and Sonic continue his writing and they all live happily ever after.


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