Chapter Ten: Cthulhu lies awake

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Outside, Keith looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of the surreal situation.

"This is the dream of the pentacle power of the master of the great ones, beyond the world," Ithaqua said, her voice echoing through the air.

Keith's attention snapped back as Romelle called out to him. "Keith! Are you alright?"

Pidge landed beside them, concern etched across their face. "Keith, what happened? Where's Shiro?"

"Ithaqua took him into the castle," Inuyasha explained, his voice filled with urgency.

Lance, along with Stats and Kosmo, joined the group of anxious friends. "Where did the castle disappear to?" Lance asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of their missing comrade.

"Take a look," Keith said, his voice somber, as he pointed towards the ground. They all followed his gaze, and their hearts sank at what they saw - a reverse image of the castle reflecting in the water.

The realization dawned on them - the castle had been transported to another plane, beyond their reach. Their determination grew stronger as they faced the daunting task of rescuing Shiro and stopping Ithaqua's rampage.

"We have to find a way to get inside that castle," Romelle said, her voice laced with determination. "But we can't do it alone."

Pidge nodded, their analytical mind already working on a plan. "We'll need to gather information, resources, anything that can help us understand the power of the pentacle and how to counter it."

Lance gripped his gun tightly, his gaze unwavering. "No matter what it takes, we'll rescue Shiro and put an end to Ithaqua's reign of terror."

The group stood united, their bond stronger than ever, as they prepared to face the daunting challenges ahead. With resolve in their hearts and their friendship as their armor, they would do whatever it took to bring Shiro back and restore peace to their world, even if it meant traversing through the dreams of the great ones beyond the boundaries of reality itself.

Keith charges up the red blade and slams it into the ground trying to break the seal. Soon a glowing portal opens on the impacted spot.

"That castle's under here." Lance said when Miles suddenly runs forward and leaps inside "Miles? Miles!"

Pidge shouted for his brother and quickly followed after him into the portal.

"Let's go! " Keith said following closely after.

"Lance..." Hunk wondered why the boy had gone first before he ran in too.

Left behind is Romelle and Stats who hits her face trying to psyche herself up. "Kay!"

Stats stopped halfway growing scared as he shakes his head. "Stats. "

But Romelle soon notices the portal closing and panics. "Hey wait for me!" she said jumping inside the portal before it closes completely

On the other side, Romelle and Stats are left in an empty hall as she looks around scared "Where is everyone?"

He soon spots their silhouettes moving across another bridge. "Wait! Don't leave me!"

At the temple, Ithaqua sneered, "Such fools... Pursuing me inside R'lyeh."

Shiro spoke up from his place, his voice dripping with defiance. "Since I'm gonna be here for a little while longer, you might as well give me your villain monologue. Why are you so bent on this, to begin with?"

Ithaqua narrowed her ice-cold eyes, contemplating Shiro's question. A chilling silence filled the air before she finally responded. "You ask why? Because I am Ithaqua, the ancient being, the harbinger of storms. I seek to reclaim what was once rightfully mine - dominion over the elements, and the power to reshape the world according to my will."

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