Lesson 7

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" it's good seeing you guys again I'm starting with you today Andreas"  therapy was useless for me and Octavia I'm just keeping it real.

" okay well what do you want to know?" I asked because usually she starts with a question

" nothing just talk and we will go from there"

" I don't know what to say" I told her

" yes you do say anything how you're feeling what you want to change just anything"

" I don't have anything to say" I told her once again

" okay we will come back  Octavia what about you I see you have your wedding ring back talk to me"

" I have my wedding ring back on not because things are working it's for my Career I have an important client and I need to be married so that puts it" Octavia said

Just straight BULLSHIT!

" okay how about this we talk a lot about the problems what about solutions Octavia give me something you want to be better "

" I want him to be home at a reasonable time to actually sit down at the table and eat" she said

" okay Andreas what time do you come in from work?"

I could see Octavia looking at me out the side of my eye just great.

" I'm listening " Jasmine said

" sometimes around one or two in the morning" I said Jasmine raised her eyebrow before going back to her clam exterior.

" and are you at work the full time or?"

" yes"

" stop lying" Octavia said

" fine sometimes no I have another house I go to and come back when I know she's sleep I don't want to come home and argue everyday"

" so you miss having dinner with your child?" Octavia questioned

" Octavia yes sometimes it kills me when she sees us going through this when she should't have to I don't want her having to hear that every night" I explained

" how about not arguing at dinner actually being a family and being nice not just for your child but for peace of your home also to better your relationship so Andreas start coming home on time and not in the morning" Jasmine suggested

If that meant peace then I was willing to try.

" yes"

" great now what's something you want Octavia to work on?"

" not being petty when she's like that it makes the  arguments worse"

" mhmm Octavia speak on that please" Jasmine said

Yeah please do

" I do be petty yes I feel I need to Defend myself when we argue to protect me i haven't felt like I can be vulnerable in so long so my head is on being petty to not be Hurt I'm sick of being hurt"

" why don't you feel you can be vulnerable anymore with him?" Jasmine asked writing down in her little book.

" I don't trust him anymore to be vulnerable I honestly think he's cheating and I will not stay I won't I just can't stay with him  if he truly is I mean he can't even eliminate the main problem in our marriage so that says it"

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