Lesson 6

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" can you two stand a little closer" the photographer asked

" no" me and Andreas said at the same time

" it will look really good if you two stand together" the photographer suggested

I fixed myself on the desk and crossed my legs as Andreas put his hand on my thigh.

" great yes it shows the rings" she said snapping  pictures I hated how I had to put back on this ring.

" Now Mr.Madden come between Mrs.Madden legs facing her I want you two looking deep in each other eyes"

I didn't want to do that Andreas opened my legs and did what she said we looked into each other eyes no love present.

" good now kiss this is my favorite pose"

I can't even recount the last we kissed let own had sex and this is how we kiss after god knows how long I rather get it over I'm meeting with my client for the first time to start planning.

" let's just get this over with I have meeting" he mumbled only so I could hear I rolled my eyes what he say slipping out the other ear.

He placed his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes he leaned in our lips touching gently I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss I heard the snapping of the camera we pulled away at the same time she had a proud smile on her face.

" absolutely amazing take a look!" She said giving us the camera

I examined the photo Andreas had one hand on my cheek and the other was squeezing my  thigh my hands were wrapped around his body with us kissing we looked how we use to when we were in love.

Welp the past is the past both me and Andreas told her she did a good job before going are separate ways to get changed I went In my dressing room and pulled off the black gown after I was done I had my hair up in a bun and had on my chef uniform.

Go time.


" how was the photoshoot? " Caleb asked

" not now he will be here any minute you can leave" i wasn't really listening to Caleb to be honest and i didn't wanna talk about that shoot haha couple of the year A FUCKING JOKE.

" wow the rumors were true you are really a catch" I turned around to see the very Mr.DuPont standing right in front of me.

" thank you but aren't you getting married that's what you're here for" I joked

" and she gots jokes let's sit can I call you Octavia?"

" yes you may it's a pleasure that you picked me to cater your food" yes I'm having my star girl moment he was my favorite fashion designer he specialized in wedding dresses I wanted him to make mine but he had to many bookings.

" no it's an honor being in front of you I read your book I mean opening a restaurant at twenty is something I remember going to one of your restaurants in California you had me and well now my fiancé so amazed I told him one day I will get her to make some of the best food for me" he said smiling

Wow the fact he thought this of me was a lot I definitely had to be on my game now.

" really thank you would like some refreshments?" I asked him as i pulled a bottle of wine off my wall yes i have a wine wall in my office.

" the caviar looks good with the bread" he pointed out I handed it to him we cheers smiling hard.

Yes I was one of those expensive restaurants but I was not one that gave you a piece of bread for like thousands of dollars no I made sure the plates were packed and my customers were getting every ounce of there moneys worth.

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