Operation Kai

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"I mean...vampires kill. It's like a normal day but sadder it was on....Christmas"

"No...Elena. It was kids, it was...brutal. I will never forgive myself for that. That's also a reason why I don't like Christmas so much"

"Well I mean...it was after they had opened their presents right?"

Me and Elena gives a blank stare at Caroline

"Caroline...!" I say loudly


"Care they're dead. You care about the presents..." Elena says

"I'm not the one killing them" Caroline looks at me

I put my hand on my head and sighs

"Let's talk about something else. How about your guys Christmas's?"

"We use to celebrate together and have fun but...we we're human last time so it's gonna be different"

"With...Bonnie" care cuts in

I look down.

"I'm just gonna go...I'll be back" care says and make her way longer away.

After some minutes Elena also go away and I still sat there and looked at Caroline's mom


I look to the side. I smiles "Stefan"

I stand up and stand beside him who stood and looked through the glass as he held a cup.

We stand there looking at Liz.

"Any news about Liz?" I ask looking at Stefan's eyes

"No" he shake his head looking at me

"Do you think she will be okay...Caroline?"

"I don't know...I hope it's nothing wrong with Liz. If it is I don't know how she will take it"

"What's the deal with that she's mad at you? I thought something was like...going on"

He takes a sip of the drink "I wasn't there...when she needed me"

"I mean....you're here now...carrying. I think you need to give her some time and show her that you're here for her and cares"

He nods "yea...thanks"

I smile at him and he smiles back.

Elena walk up to us

"Hey" Elena say

"Hey" Stef say

"Caroline could really use whatever's in that cup. Is it just me or does that look really bad for somebody who just fainted" Elena looks at Liz who had doctors around her trying to know what's wrong.

"That doctor just came over from radiology. I overheard her say pineoblastoma like one minute ago" Stefan looks at a doctor with black hair

"Pineoblastoma? No but that....no...no.. no"

I knew it was cancer and I looked sad at Liz lying there on the bed.

"We brought her in a couple of weeks ago after Tripp's guys grabbed her. Doctors ran some tests. And apparently they found something suspicious"

"No but that doesn't make sense, Stefan. Caroline would have said something"

"Or maybe her mom hasn't told her yet"

The doctor Stefan talked about walks out and Elena start to follow her walking briskly.

Me and Stefan still stood there looking sad at each other and Liz.

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