I love you

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I woke up feeling a warm hand take my hair behind my ears, I opened my eyes.

"Hey" I said flirting

"Hello little wolf"

"Little wolf" i said smiling

"You're my little wolf"

he caressed my rosy cheeks and I couldn't stop smile at his lovingly face.

I stood up and he still had his hand on my cheek as he tilted his head, I put my hand on the back of his head and reached for his lips.

We kissed and his hands moved further and further down my body, his hands stopped by my curvy hips.

"Eeew! You can at least close the door"

I backed away really fast from Klaus and his head turned to Rebekah who was standing by the door.

"Little sister, what are you up to?"

"I was about to go out but firs I was gonna ask Tara if she would want to come with me but....I...see you're.....busy"

I mimed "I'm sorry" as I made a face at Rebekah

Rebekah just made a face as she walked out the door.

"So that was...embarrassing" i said scratching my neck

Klaus head turned and his sparkly eyes met mine

"Don't worry about that, she's just dramatic when it comes to those kind of things" he smiled

"No, I get if she's annoyed or something. I'm her best friend making out with her brother. That's kind of a big thing"

Klaus smiled as he was thinking that I was looking really funny.

"Let her think what she wants but the only thing I know...is that...I...love....you" he put his hand on my cheek.

"I love you too Klaus Mikaelson" my teeth showed, I looked into Klaus eyes trying not to blush

"It's a full moon tonight"

I looked confused at what came out of his mouth. "What did he mean? I don't turn" I was thinking.

"I don't turn" I said trying to understand what he meant

"I know little wolf but how would you say about turning tonight? You've never done anything wolfy"

I laughed holding my hand on my mouth

"What's so funny?" His confused face rushed in

"You. Wolfy? Is that even a word"

His eyes looking really happy at me laughing

"Maybe not but would you like to turn? With me" his eyebrows raised as his dimples was showing

"Yes I would but doesn't it hurt. I have to break every single bone in my body"

"It's gonna hurt but you don't have to if you don't want to"

"No of course I want to, I do. So are we gonna take chains and be in a dark creepy cave?"

"No I was thinking we could turn maybe somewhere no one is and run around killing people and do what we want"

"I would love to. Are you sure you really are going to"

"Yes I'm going to be by your side in every moment even when you're hurt"

I kissed his kissable lips and was walking to the door.

"Wait where and when is this going to happen?" I asked

"Meet me at the old grave cave at the church by eleven"

"Oh the creepy grave cave. I like it" I walked out of the door.

It had gone some hours and I was sitting outside on a bench in the town as so many people were walking by.

I was looking around when I felt hands on my eyes

"Guess who"


The hands disappeared and I looked behind me and saw Rebekah crossing her arms with a insulting look.

"What! I said Rebekah and guess who you are. Rebekah"

She sat down beside me

"You're right I'm Rebekah but you are supposed to say. "Oh the best best friend in whole world"

I smiled "sorry I'll be right next time"

Her white teeth was showing

"So are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me about that you just slept with my brother"

My smile dropped so fast and i raised my dark eyes at her

"Rebekah! We didn't do that. You really think we would after you left?"

"Come on. The sexual tension was screaming"

I rolled my eyes

"You can't tell me otherwise.....but be honest, you actually wanted to"

"Oh my god. REBEKAh! That's so unpropitious"

"who cares if it's unpropitious"

"He's your BROTHER. I don't wanna talk to you about your brother like that and I hope you could understand why"

"Fine, what's the plans tonight then?"

"I will turn into a wolf for the first time"


"Yes, with Klaus"

"Oh" she made a dirty face

"Oh my god you need to stop"

"Okay I'm sorry but something happened with you and Nik. It is actually more tension than before and you can't tell me it's not"

"Okay, he told me he love me, on my birthday"

"He loves you? He sees something really special in you and he never does so feel special for a person who is a murderer, a psychopath"

"We have something in common" I said as I smiled evil

We both laughed and Marcel came by

"Hi Rebekah, Tara"

I gave Rebekah a look and she rolled her pretty little eyes at me

"Hi Marcel are you having any parties tonight?" I asked

"Yeah I do actually and that's what I was going to say. Rebekah do you wanna go with me at the party tonight"

Rebekah looked over to me and I nodded discreetly hoping she will say yes to him.

Rebekah's eyes jumped to Marcel and he smiled at her

"Why not" She made a little smirk

"Good, see you tonight" he walked away looking like he tried to hold on all his happiness.

"That's perfect Rebekah, he's totally interested in you"

"Maybe" she looked unbothered as she said.

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