Psycho friends

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"Come on Tara...we're friends right" Elena says

"Yes's nothing"

"It's definitely have a necklace I haven't seen before" care says raising her eyebrows

"Yes...well....uhm" I held the necklace in my hand

"Klaus?" Stefan says

"Yes...I got it on my birthday, it's a gift from him"

"We're happy that you at least are back" Caroline says

I smiled at her.

Alaric and a woman came in

"Well Jo" Damon says

"Hi Jo"


"There are a thing we have to talk about...." Stefan says sadly

"What...what's wrong?"

"I'll tell see Jo here. Her brothers a psychopath"

" that's not surprising I mean...everyone is"

"No....he was in prison world where I was and he's out now. He wants to do some twin witch thing with her"

"Oh...and who's this person?"

"His names Kai...Kai Parker" Jo say

"Kai...Parker" i said feeling happy

"You knew him?" She ask

"Yes he was my friend,...he disappeared one day and I haven't seen him since"

"You were friends with HIM" Damon says loudly

"Yes I was. It was 11 years ago when I first met him, we was in Florida I think. I was feeding on someone a late night and then I felt how my head began to burn. I let go of the girl and turned around and there he stood.

"Hey...easy she's going to die" a guy stood there smiling holding his hand against me

My vampire face disappeared

"You know her?"

" I don't. Why don't you heal her and make her forget" he looked like a really nice person

"What's your name?" I ask smiling

"Malachai or you could say ...Kai...Parker"

"Tara Pierce or you can say Petrova"

He smiles walking closer "so Tara Petrova...why not help her"

I bent down to the girl and gave her my blood as I later made her forget.

Me and Kai sat down on stone stairs that was in town and he had bought fries.

"You're a witch?" I say

"'re a vampire"

"That's right. What were you even doing around here?"

He took a bite of the fries

"Im living near and I like to go around. I like the dark"

"So do I....we have a thing in common"

"Are you a murderer?"

"Im a vampire so I guess...yea"

"How long have you been a vampire?"

"607 years now"

"Oh shi- I'm sorry" he smiled innocent

"No it's okay. It's a very long time"

"So I you wanna...kill me?"

"In fact I actually do. But I won't"

"I wanna kill my siblings" he says as he put a fri in his mouth

"'re a murderer I could never guess"

"I have a twin who's also a witch but I don't really have all this powers, I take it from them but it's a twin witch sacrifice we're supposed to do but she doesn't want to"

"What's her name?"

"Josette, we call her Jo"

"That's sad"

"Yea but we're supposed to do it so we have to. How about you? Any family drama?"

"My family's dead. I actually had a twin but people killed her and my mother and father got killed"

"Oh...I'm sorry that's sad"

"I know. I loved them but it was a long time ago"

Kai had eaten up his fries and was getting ready to throw the box in the dustbin

He threw and missed


I smiled

"You think it's funny...why don't you try and see if it's so easy" he smiles

I stood up and took up the box and sat down again

I put my arm up in the air and threw it

I hit the hole and Kai looked shocked.

"Maybe i was could actually do it"

"Don't underestimate me....I've been here a long time"

We laughed softly and he sat closer to me. He swallowed

"Can I take you somewhere?"

"Where's somewhere?"

"I have a place I use to go mostly at the night. It's really beautiful there and with the stars and everything"

"Sure" I smiled.

We stood up and I followed him and I looked around to see where we was going.

"Are we there soon?"


"Now...we're here".

We both stopped and I looked around admiring the place of how beautiful it was.


"Yea right. It's always so beautiful up here".

We were up on a hill were the view was so beautiful and all the stars in the sky looked more clear up here.

"How did you find this place?"

"I usually want to be somewhere where it's quiet, calm, dark and a dream. Do you have some place like that?"

I shake my head "No...I've like never felt so safe in my life or found a place where I can just be calm"

" can be our place, just you and me" he scratched the back of his head


"Yes....I don't really have any friends or people that understands me"

"Not me either...I'm always alone and on my own. I just want someone to understand me"

He smirk looking at my eyes "let's sit down"

He pointed on the green grass

"On the ground?"

"Yea...let's look at the stars tonight".

Both of us sat down and he laid his weight on the shoulders

"It's actually pretty calming"

"" He lays his whole body on the ground

I looked at the side, looking at him and I did the same.

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