Senior night murder

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It was night and we were at the school and we sat up mouse traps that was lined to the others. And the lights were off when someone opened the door as the person stepped on one trap so most of them snapped.

The lights turned on, we all looked at the person who caused the traps

"come on seriously" Caroline yells at Matt "do you know how much time all this took to set up Caroline says crossing her arms.

"Matt how did you forget about senior night prank?" I scoffs at Matt "yeah if I'm doing this you are" Tyler said standing by the light.

"I'm kinda surprised any of us are doing this" Elena said"yeah Caroline is making us" Bonnie said as she gave Caroline a look.

I looked at them and got a smile "we are about to be seniors" Caroline cuts in "these are the memories that stay with us forever and if we don't"-                      "If we don't create this memories what's the point of it all" Elena joins Caroline's speech she made awhile ago.

"Go ahead make fun I don't care" Caroline says rolling her eyes

"no Caroline's right if we don't make memories what's the point of it all" i chime in look at Caroline

"thanks, someone who gets it" she says as she lit up. "I gotta go I have ten more classrooms to set up" Taylor says as he takes up his bag and got out Elena got after him

"where are you going?" I asked I following her

"I'm going to make memories, I'm gonna superglue Alarics desk shut" "I'll be there I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" "okay"

Elena says as she start to go in hallway.

I was going to Alarics classroom after I've been on the toilet but I couldn't find Elena.

"Elena!" I yelled as I felt someone grabbing me but I couldn't see who it was then we were in the gymnasium.

"Let go off me!" I said flapping around the person let's go of me I turned around and said

"Rebekah?" I got a big smile and we instantly hugged

"it's been a long time" "Rebekah what are you doing?" I heard behind Rebekah and it was Klaus

I walked over to him

"Klaus, are you gonna destroy Elena's life like you destroyed mine and Katherine's?" "Elena was supposed to be dead"

I rolled my eyes and he grabbed me in a chokehold

"you should sit down and look at the show"

I looked up at him and tried to take away his hand as I was searching for my breath

Elena yelled "Tara run!" Klaus let's go off me and sits down as he says

"you can run or.... stay it's your choice" he smirked "don't do this Klaus, who cares about your hybrids?" "I do!"

He stands up and gets madder "yea and it'" "maybe, but you should say goodbye to your friend" "why is Rebekah helping you?" "You wanted me to wake her up and I did" "you've should never had killed her" "she wanted to be with Stefan"

I rolled my eyes again as I made my way to Elena and sit next to her.

As she whispered "no Tara go he can kill you"

"I'll take the risk, I won't just leave you to die here" "good you're taking risks unlike your sister" Klaus tabs in.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and said "I'm gonna get the others" "who's that blonde girl?" Elena asks "she's Klaus sister also an original"

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