It happened

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He took my wet hair behind my ears, looking deep into my eyes with his love eyes and I just melts by him looking at me.

"Brother" both me and Klaus looked at the door where Elijah stood in his dark suit.

"Elijah" Klaus said getting annoyed of him interrupting. He takes away his hand from my wet cheek

"I'm sorry to bother you but we need to talk"

Klaus nodded his head, he turned back to me and kissed my lips as he walks away with him.

I smiled softly crossing my legs. I was thinking about if I would drive back to mystic falls and meet everyone but I still had the thought about Damon, that I've never would see him again.

I packed my stuff and was ready to leave, I made my way out of the room closing the door behind me.

Rebekah sat in a brown armchair reading a book while holding a glass of blood in highest regard.

"Bekah, I'm going back to mystic falls but not for so long"

She looked up from her book smiling "don't miss me too much"

I made my way out of the door ironically and loudly saying "I think that's impossible"

"Hate you"

"Hate you more"

I closed the door behind me.

It was a bumpy drive and very long so I turned on some music, singing by myself.

"I spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!".

The song ended and I was just enjoying driving in the dark seeing all the trees passing by, I felt so happy in my whole body and it felt really good except the fact that Damon and Bonnie's dead.

After a little of time I see the mystic falls welcome sign and I drive to the Salvatore boarding house parking outside, I made my way in and saw everyone sitting on the couch and all eyes were now on me.

"Tara you're back" Caroline ran and hugged me

I smiled uncontrollably as she held her arms tightly around my body

"You're finally back" she stopped hugging me and I smiled at her as my eyes moved from her to someone behind her

My face changed to a surprised face and confused

"I'm back Tara"


I instantly made my way to him and hugged him and I rest my head on him sighed calmly.

We stopped hugging and I remembered something

"Wait if you're"

He shakes his head sadly looking at the ground

"No...I wasn't with Bonnie..she must have....found peace"

"No" I said quite, sadly

"But I can't believe left for me dying.....Tara...FOR ME" he said ironically as he did his eyebrows thing

He made a little laugh came out and he smiled at me

"Well I can't believe YOU didn't call me saying hey I'm back. Why didn't you tell me"

"Because you weren't the first person I thought about" he joked.

I looked around and I was thinking about how Elena just sat there not even looking happy for Damon being back. I mean they're in love right?

"So what are everyone doing?"

"We like celebrated Damon being back again" Stefan says

"Have some new bad things happened while I was away? Or is everything okay for now?"

"I wouldn't say okay. Elena wanted Alaric to compel her to forget about being in love with Damon and Alaric became a human again so she can't get the memories back" care says

I raised my eyebrows for all the information and I gave away a little "wow".

"I know it's....- okay let's talk about what you've been doing. Where have you been?"

"Well...I've been In New Orleans with Rebekah, Klaus, Marcel and Elijah or Elijah been dead most of the time"

"Marcel?" Elena said confused

"Marcel he's uhm like a kid Klaus raised"

"Klaus have a child?" Damon said looking disgusted

"No, it's not like a biological child but their relationship is not like father and son they're just like friends but sometimes they don't like each other. Klaus actually saved him when he saw a man torturing him, he killed the man and raised Marcel"

"That...doesn't sound like....the Klaus I know" Damon says.

I smiled looking at everyone

"Something special that happened in New Orleans?" Damon said making a flirty look

I looked at him disgusted "no...don't even-"

"We all know SOMETHING happened"

"Okay you know the thing you and I talked about you know"

I tried to make him understand I meant that I love Klaus thing

"...oh yeah...I know what you mean"

"It happened" I said excitedly

"Oh really?!" He smiled looking at me like he was proud.

Everyone looked weird at us

"Okay this like brother and sister thing that's going on is getting kinda....-" Stef said

"Unpleasant" Caroline cuts in

"Yes exactly" Stefan looks at Caroline

"No this is a friend thing" Damon said smiling at me

"And what is the thing that's so exciting?"

"It's tha-"

"Nothing" I interrupts him

"Why can't you tell us? I'm actually getting really curious" Elena says smiley

"You all gonna stay in curiosity because I won't tell you. It's not a big thing for you guys either way"

I looks to Damon "and if you DAMON gossip about this I will break your arm because I wouldn't kill you" I point my finger in his face

"No gossip....I can't promise"

I gave him a death stare

"Gossip is actually my thing. I'm pretty good at it"

I rolled my eyes of how goofy he was.

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