~'Chapter 1'~

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(This is a book I'm really excited about but I may not be able to update it as much as my other book because it's sort of a side book but if you want me too I will.. But it will be quite since I am planning on keeping the chapters word minimum to 1000 and above.
I'm sure I can manage. Maybe)

|Bandi's POV|

I get up off the floor and offer a hand to help Doni up, which he accepts, taking his hand off his head, which hit the floor quite hard.

"What's with the shady disguise?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, wondering deeply about the owl's intentions, or his plan... Or why he's even here.. Wait. Why is he even here... I look at Doni, awaiting an answer, but all I got was silence and a nervous looking owl.. I sigh, giving up on waiting for the owl to answer my question.

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a normal toned voice, that had some annoyance added to it as I glare at the taller owl, him just standing there with an awkward, goofy smile.

"Well.. Long story.. True story. But to cut it short I just thought I'd check up on you and see how your doing..." Doni finally replies, I mean at least he's talking although, I don't think his statement is really. Well, true...

"Mhm... Yeah.. I totally believe you.." I reply rolling my eyes with a slight scoff... but I sigh and glare at him..

"Do you know where Renn is?" I ask, hoping for a clear answer but all I got was a surprised look along with a.

"You lost Renn!?"

"I didn't really.. 'lose' him... He just.. Disappeared from my sight..." I reply with sweat dripping down my forehead... Doni slaps himself in the face.

"Are you serious... We need to work together to find him.." Doni suggest. As much as I don't like him, he was right.. We needed to work together, it would be easier... As I sigh I nod in response to the half truce.

"Alright than pack your stuff. We're leaving tomorrow... It will be a long trip so bring some camp stuff." Doni says as he walks out leaving me with my confused thoughts. I stare longingly at the door before turning to go back to the dining room near the kitchen, sitting down on the couch looking at the coffee table in deep thoughts, the window in front of the lounge is open blowing a chilling wind through my house.

I start to wonder where Renn is. What Doni wants. What will happen. Anything that comes to my mind. I just ask myself deep question I can not yet answer if ever will answer... They remain unanswered in my mind as I sigh to myself.. Staring at the oak wood coffee table in front of the couch.

The house smelt like a mix of burning fire wood over at the lit up fire place and cold nature smells that hit my nose, making me squint slightly, the spruce trees, the snow, the fresh air. It calmed my nervous thoughts a little.  

As I close my eyes letting my worries slowly slip away from my body and mind, leaving me in a calm ocean void. The tense atmosphere disappearing around my body as I go into a relieving sleep.

Although the calming sleep, just like in real life, all good things come to an end, no comfort is forever lasted. As scenarios go into my mind with horrid images.
fire, destruction, death, blood

My body shifts and stirs in my sleep as a uncomfortable feeling washing over my sleeping body. The images clear as day, feeling the pain in my friends injuries, the harm that's cursed upon this server...

The burning village stands endlessly across the terrain as I look blankly around, the hard worked house getting burnt to a crisp as if it was nothing, no valuables that were worked for... The hard progress someone made all burnt. How was I to care though...

The flashbacks keep appearing in my head, I knew this would happen.. The scaredy cat I was to deserve this, a tortured uncomfortable sleep.. The uncomforted feeling spread my body into grief as I shake slightly, I could still sense the cold temperatures of my body, only adding to the discomfort.

I ask myself.. Why won't I wake up.. I'm self aware I'm asleep... But. The cold-hearted grief was slightly comforting towards my torn soul... I just couldn't describe it. the emptiness felt so grieving yet so reliving..

I could feel and hear my outside surroundings. The gusts of cold winter wind brushing against my hair, hair and ears creating small sound waves, the crackles of the fireplace lit up. It was almost calming... 

I could still hear screaming of terror and agony, pain, hatred... Something I knew everyone would feel on this server... Yelling filled my 'sweet' dream with red splashing everywhere on my eyesight in the grueling affect.

My heart was pumping with adrenaline. But not knowing way. Fear? Guilt? Anger? Excitement? Who am I kidding... It was fear. Blood wasn't one of my best to handle features, the discomfort in my body rising.

Terror, Destruction, Harm.. Isn't it a repeating cycle on this server... Terror filled screamed setting an unpleasant feeling, that intensifies with keep individual scream...

My vision goes black as if I'm floating on a void... My eyes finally open, I'm still on my place at the couch. the was a warm sunrise color though the freezing cold window, which was slightly dull.

I turn my head to clock, it's about 6AM. Great... Wait. Am I forgetting something... I shift my eyes to look at door and remember.. I have to pack.. Doni's gonna kill me if I'm unprepared! Isn't this just an amazing morning for me...

I groan as I stand up off the uncomfortable couch, part of me wanting to stay in the void abyss of nothingness. But. It's Renn and it's half my fault for it as well. Another thing I gotta work on... My impatience... 

I walk over to the chest room packing the necessities needed, along with camp stuff and food as I put the heavy bag on my back I check the time again, 8AM. He should be here any minute now...

I sit back down at the uncomforting lounge with a sigh... I had my predictions for this server... There all the same... I stare intensely at the lit up fireplace watching the blends of natural oranges, reds and yellows dance with each other in a mesmerizing way...

How anyone can get distracted by small pathetic distractions like that...

A sudden loud knock is heard on the door as it snaps me out of my calming state in mind. Groaning I rise from the lounge, my bag sashed onto my back opening the door to see Doni with his own leather bag. 

He gives me a small wave as he asks.

"Are you ready to go?"


[So sorry this chapter took so long to do... I'm gonna try and update it more often! Bye little Pavlova's.]
1170 words

Written By Kurai
Edited By Shark Jaws

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