04. It Can Be A Scam

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At exactly 5 pm, I'm standing in front of the Warm Wind Inn.

 Of the many establishments this town has, this has to be one of the most elegant looking. It is purposely renovated and furnished regularly because it's the main accommodation for tourists and others.

“Good evening, ma'am, ” a man says. He is wearing a black and white uniform and I assume he is one of the staff.

“Yes, hello,” I say and offer a warm smile before I disappear through the glass doors.

The room is just as expected, high ceiling, designer rugs, and designer couches. On the other side is the long front desk for the receptionist who is as well dressed in a black and white uniform. 

“Good evening welcome to Warm Wind Inn, how may I assist you?” The woman behind says, a smile on her lips.

I nod. “I'm here to se-”

“There you are,” Mom's voice rips through the room.

I turn to look at her. Her arms are open, she is wearing a long red dress. Dad is in a casual but smart fit with a white long-sleeve and black pants.

“Hi,” I mumble and turn back to the receptionist. “Them.”

The woman nods and goes back to her business. 

“We already reserved a table, this way please,” Mom says and I follow silently.

Dad walks next to me, lacing his fingers in mine. His palm feels rough and hard in mine but it's still warm.
I glance at the fountain in the middle of the room before we disappear into another room. This one is a dining place. It had chairs and cute round tables all over. The floor-to-ceiling windows provide a beautiful view of the outside laced with a thousand lights illuminating the street and the bar across the street.

Dad draws a chair for me and I sit, he does the same for Mom before requesting the waiter.

I watch Mom communicate with the man quietly. They don't ask me what I would like to have and I don't comment. 

A minute later, food is being presented on the table. Lobsters, chicken, pasta, stew, and some vegetables. It's all appealing to the eye and I can't believe my mouth is watering. 

“I thought I'd treat you to my favorite dishes,” Mom mumbles, a broad smile on her lips.

I nod.

Of course, this was her idea.

I go for the stew and rice, it tastes delicious. I haven't had a proper dinner in a while, mostly we just grab fries, burgers, Chinese food, pizzas, and stuff. 

“So, honey what is it you're studying?” Dad asks.

I want to gag right now. They have no idea. How uninvolved can parents be?

“Landscape Architectural and Liberal arts,” I mumble, swallowing down the ball in my gut.


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