Part - 49 Spotted

Start from the beginning

"Is this like, a normal occurrence or something? Or is she still drunk?" Daniel said,

Bismarck was still blushing extremely hard.

"Vat is going on with your face Frau Bismarck? Afraid to admit something?" Prinz continued

"Oh, she must be shy..." Daniel thought to himself, referring to Bismarck.

And Daniel was right, because she was being more and more of a nervous wreck by every passing second, and Prinz was definitely the girl who seemed to enjoy playing with other's emotions. Especially when she was still completely hammered from the 150 beer bottles she had earlier.

Bismarck would slap the goofy smile right off of Eugen's face had she not been so embarrassed by Daniel standing there, as her whole body was shaking, enough to the point where she basically couldn't even move,

At least it seemed that way to Daniel, who was trying to make out what was happening.

"See? I told you" the cube telepathically said

"Shut it" Daniel whispered

Then, the loudspeaker turned on,


"All refugees and stowaways from Zwishendeck, please come up to the main deck now." The loudspeaker said.


"Zwishendeck" was underneath the citadel of the ship, but above the engine and maintenance deck, it was their level, where all of the mess halls, bunks, living spaces were,

So chances are, it was about to get crowded, and fast.



A few members of the crew were on bridge duty.

The Captain and XO were both down in the hull trying to straighten up the situation down there, as seemingly way too many refugees made themselves way too comfortable in Zwishendeck, and didn't want to leave.

Or so they thought, perhaps they were way too drunk to leave, based on how much local beer was rolling aboard,

Trying to keep the stream of refugees on the ship in order was about as easy as herding cats, especially for a bunch of sailors drunk out of their minds, attempting to cope with the crippling homesickness that was so prevalent aboard.

So, coping mechanisms and distractions were the only thing keeping the crew together.

"Hans! Is that burn coming off!" A voice shouted

"Why don't you try and clean this off with a rag Herr Arno!" Hans shouted back.

Who else could be put on impromptu bridge-cleaning duty other than Hans, and who else to manage him other than Arno of all people.

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