11. | The comeback

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My uncle has been reading too many sports pages and watching too much news

"Absurd" he shouts, sitting at the breakfast table "the way they are implying you cannot win"

I continue eating my granola. The coverage bothers me, but I know there's nothing I can do about it, and if I spoke out about it, it would just lead me to be even more disliked. When I decided to play professional tennis, I also apparently signed a contract to let people talk shit about me for the rest of my life

My uncle continues to read to paper "I just think they should remember who they are talking about"

The doorbell sounded throughout the house.

"I'll get it" I sighed, standing up and heading towards the front door and pulling it open.

I barley had time to open the door before something was launched on me.

Or should I say, someone.

"Daniel! What are you doing here?" I yelled, steadying myself to avoid falling over as I returned Daniels hug

"I didn't know you were announcing you return today?"

"I told you a couple of days ago Dan" I smiled

"I got in my car straight away, I need to talk to you about something anyway. I was going to suggest we drink to your return but since your now a professional tennis player I doubt you'll take me up on my offer"

"Come into the kitchen" I say, walking into the kitchen, the floor to ceiling windows let the sun shine through, illuminating the entire room

"Hey Marco" Daniel called down the hall into where our uncle was sitting

"Hey Dan, I didn't know you were coming over" he replied without looking up from his paper

"I'm here to talk to Del"

"That's nice, you prepared for the new season, not long now till the first race"

"Only a few weeks, but the car is better than ever"

"That's great" he replied

"Want a drink?" I asked

"Water" he replied

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked, sliding him his water across the island.

"I've come to beg you for a favour"

"Oh god"

"Hear me out Del" Daniel said quickly "so as you know I'm supposed to go to the Met Gala with Heidi in two weeks" I nodded, Heidi was Daniels girlfriend, she's nice enough "but Heidi's sister may or may not have her c section booked for the day before"


"And that means Heidi can't go to the Met. But I still need someone to go with, Vouge have already paid for two tickets and two seats so I need to bring someone"


"Delaney please! You've been like a million times, everyone's expecting you to go anyway"

"But I'm not going, I'm in training, incase you forget, I have a tournament in three months"

"Please Delaney, I wouldn't ask unless I had no other options"

"What's the talk?" Marco said, entering the room and pouring a cup of coffee for himself from the pot

"Daniel wants me to go to the Met Gala with him in two weeks in New York"

"But Daniels she's in training"

She's back ~ L. HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now