Chapter 7: This feels warm..?!

Start from the beginning

Nanon: I don't want to be rude boss but I don't think I am suitable to be your P.A.. It's not because I question my capabilities this time but it's because my brother is living with me right now and he is still not ready to be left alone..

Ohm: I guess it's the family then.. It fine if you don't want to be my assistant but you need higher post Nanon.. like you said you just have to go home in your usual time so I will appoint you as my secretary..

My life is playing with me.. Why did I have to talk so extra.. I don't even have a reason to say no..

Nanon: I don't have a reason to refuse it boss but I still think there are people who deserves the position more than me.

Ohm: For me, I don't think anyone who deserves this position as much as you. I don't say this to everyone but promoting my employees to higher position is a tough job in my company.. I observe every thing about my employees and currently, no one has impressed me as you and especially after today, I genuinely think you deserve this..

I was speechless... No word came out my mouth so I just nodded my head in yes. Like I said i have no reason to refuse.. Guess I am the secretary of Mr. Pawat then..

Nanon: Thank you for having confidence in me boss. I won't disappoint you in future.

Ohm: I will have your things shifted by tomorrow. You may take your leave now..

I just stood up and walked out. I have to cool my mind down. I have to tell Fourth. Wait... Fourth? Oh shit!!! I had to call him.. SHIT!! 5 MISSED CALLS, 10 MESSAGES AND A VOICEMAIL. I hurriedly called him but this phone is switched off! I cant even leave right now..









<Meanwhile, at the apartment hours ago>

Fourth is trying to call Nanon, informing him that Gemini is in his apartment but his calls keep going in voicemails.

"You got a nice apartment, friend" Gemini's voice snapped him out and he hurriedly went to see what Gemini was doing.

"Don't touch my cousin's things... he is protective of his things" Fourth took whatever Gemini was holding and carefully placed them in the right way..

"Hey!! It's my first time coming to your apartment . you can't scold me like this.." Hearing the whining voice of Gemini, Fourth just scoffed.

Fourth: I was not willing to bring you here, alright. You literally blackmailed me into this.

Gemini: I did not..

Fourth: You pretended to have a headache and when the nurse told you to go home, you asked me to bring you home and on our way you lied about not having keys to the house..

Gemini: I really don't have the keys..

Fourth: You literally have maids and butlers..

Gemini: Oh yeah i forgot but really I have a headache.. oww--

Fourth looked at Gemini , shaking his head at the sight because Gemini was touching his stomach telling it a headache..

Fourth: That's the stomach P'Gemini....

Fourth was trying hard not to laugh while Gemini just scratched his back of neck in embarrassment.

Fourth: Don't touch anything okay.. And I am gonna take a shower so please behave..

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