Chapter Twenty-Six

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When my husbands and I first got our designation as caregivers, we had to attend classes with the LPA. It taught us most of what we needed to know about caring for a Little. We worked with different age groups, but the infant age group was the most challenging.

Firstly, they're super rare. Yeah, Little's are rare within themselves, but regressing to infant age? Super rare.

So it surprises me when Ayla slips that low. She's currently cuddled in my arms with her head supported in the crook of my neck. Her lips are pursed in sleep as she makes the cutest snoring sound.

After the people from the LPA left, Owen went to his room to decompress after making sure Ayla was okay.

There's not much to do now besides argue over who gets to hold the little baby. Ayla tends to not slip for long, so everybody wants to get a chance to hold her when she's so cuddly.

"It's my turn. Pass her over." Henry grunts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Common, dude. I just got her. Have some patience." Rolling my eyes, I look back down at our Little.

This is where the problems start with this many caregivers. It's worked out so far because Ayla splits her time between us equally. She can't delegate when she's this low in headspace.

She makes the cutest little snuffle sound as she snuggles into my armpit. If I was a woman, I'm pretty sure my ovaries would be exploding right now.

Otto and Henry stand, both heading towards their bedroom. They're probably removing themselves to give the others more of a chance to hold her. I'm sure they'll get more of newborn Ayla in the future.

With each passing day, she gets more comfortable with all of us. She slips into her headspace with less of a fight. For her to slip into newborn headspace, it proves that she's comfortable.

As I look down at my baby, I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. She's just too cute for her own good. I run my finger down the tiny bridge of her nose, and she sniffles, her lips pursing in sleep.

I know I have to give the others a chance, so with a sigh, I stand and carefully pass her over to Mae. The woman rests Ayla's head in the crook of her arm, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I could get used to having her regress this young. She's so sweet and cuddly like this." Mae murmurs to the room.

"I like when she's around two. As much as I like when she's all little and cuddly, I love when she wants to play too." Alice comments with a shrug.

"You like her being in newborn headspace until she's crying all the time, needs diaper changes, and never wants to be put down." Ethan puts his two sense in.

Mae rolls her eyes and sighs. "I don't care about diaper changes, bottles, and tears. That's what I signed up for when I took this role in Ayla's life. I took the newborn classes just like every Caregiver out there. I happened to love them.

"Yeah, they were stressful at times, but I love having a cuddly Little to snuggle with. Who knows how long she's going to be regressed this low in headspace. For now, I'm going to enjoy my time with her."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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