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Ayla whimpers in her sleep for the tenth time tonight. She wiggles closer to Alice in her sleep and grips her sleep shirt, holding on tightly. She's so emotionally distraught from finding out her mother was cheating.

Which is totally understandable. I can't imagine hearing the details about my Owen mother's affair. She thought her family was perfect, only for that image to die so quickly. I know Ayla still loves her mother, there's just some lost love there.

Alice looks over at me and pushes her dark hair out of her face, her dark brown eyes flashing with concern. She pulls Ayla closer to her chest and rubs her back.

"Should we go get her father?" My girlfriend questions out loud.

"If it gets any worse, then yeah. I just don't want her hearing him argue with Iris over the phone." They've been arguing nearly all night.

Owen's shouts can be heard through the walls. They're arguing about Ayla. From what I can gather from only hearing one side of the conversation, Iris wants Ayla to come home.

Owen is refusing to allow that, stating that he needs to worry about Ayla. The usually levelheaded man refuses to let Ayla around somebody that could hurt her. Especially because she's in such a fragile headspace right now.

"I'm going to go grab her a bottle. She likes them and it'll help her relax. Be right back." I announce before throwing the comforter off my body.

Alice watches me go, her arms still wrapped around Ayla's whimpering frame.

In the kitchen I find the guys gathered around the dining room table. They look exhausted. Henry looks up upon my entrance and waves.

"How's Ayla?" He ponders, taking a sip from the steaming mug in his hands.

"Crying in her sleep. I came in to make her a bottle." I'm not even sure if there's any bottles or even her formula here.

"I brought some. They're new, so they need washed. We only have two cans of her special formula. More doesn't come in until the end of the week." Otto tells me.

Ayla's formula is specially made for her. After the school got her blood on designation day, they tested it to see if there was any vitamins she was low on.

As it turns out, Ayla was low on vitamin C and D. Her formula has supplements for that and her weight. They also asked her parents what her favorite drink was so they could flavor it as well.

That's why she loves it so much. It's flavored like vanilla milkshake. I have a feeling she's going to have a hard time switching from formula to breastmilk. We might do a mix of both.

"Thank you. It wasn't something I would've thought about when I was grabbing my stuff from your house." I admit with a shrug.

"That's why we're all a team." Otto stands and leaves the room, coming back with several bottles and a tub of formula.

He hands them to me and I get to work throughly washing them. Once finished, I boil some water for the bottle and pour some formula in.

The guys chitchat while I work, Lyle even offering to help. I wave him aside and finish making the bottle.

"Have a good night, everybody." I tell them once I'm ready to go back to the bedroom.

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